Supermoon October 27 2015 – Your true potential

The final super moon of 2015 is heading our way tomorrow. The energies from the last two supermoons in August and September has been intense and some of us have been put through the mill but some of us have showed ‘em who is boss and stepped into your true potential.

Original Artwork by Angela Mitchell 30 x 40cm Acrylic on Canvas

Original Artwork by Angela Mitchell
30 x 40 cm Acrylic on Canvas

Take a step back now and think about what has been happening since August. How did you deal with a difficult time? Did you hear news that broke your heart and your world? The question is…..not what but “how” did you deal with it? Did you let self-pity and remorse swallow you or did you take action?  In every negative action or situation, there is a double positive waiting to happen. Learning lessons await in every situation. Unfortunately most of us close our hearts the moment something bad happens. Bad can mean different things to different people. It could be not being able to get a ticket to a concert, failing an exam, finding out you have a medical condition, a cancelled holiday, breaking up with your partner to something so devastating as losing a loved one.

If I look back on my life, I can now see that while my last big breakup was devastating, I now see that it spurred me to make a life changing decision to move to the UK. I would never had done that if I had just let that relationship define me. I kept getting signs – synchronicity was happening all the time and dreams were vivid at that time. I remember waking up one day and the thought of moving came into my mind. With heart break and fear, clouding my mind, I initially dismissed it. But then the more I thought about it, my heart opened up and I started to picture myself in London. Obviously I was thinking of the likes of Notting Hill and Kensington, not the reality of Tooting Broadway! But the more my heart was open, I was able to really connect to the vision. I listened to my intuition and took action even though I had barely any money to my name or knew anyone in London.  I am truly grateful as I met my husband at the end of my first year and married him two years ago! I would never have met him if I stayed where I was.

How about someone who just heard they have cancer and have six months to live? There is no right or wrong way to deal with that sort of news. Some of us may be strong enough to contemplate spending the first few months running a campaign to raise funds for cancer research for example. Some of us may change the lives of people around us for the better through finances or by being an inspiration.  There could a child in the family who would go on to study medicine to help find a cure for cancer. The possibilities are endless! There is possibility in imPOSSIBLE.

So reflect on all that has happened in the last few months and how you have dealt with it.  Write it down on paper or electronically – whatever is easier for you! You need three columns – one for when, what and how. When it happened, what happened and how you dealt with it. You can add a fourth column – outcome.

Someone came to see me a few months ago and the reading was all about her taking charge of her life, acknowledging what was happening and making things happen. I saw her twice and the message didn’t changed, except for some more additional information. There was only so much a reading can do…nothing will change unless you do! Since then I have seen how she has taken something that has made her so unhappy and turned it into an inspiration to help other people. I can see how much confidence and self-worth she has gained in such a short time. She has also found her voice! I can see from the side lines how she dealt with the issue and the outcome. It’s a big deal so don’t dismiss it. Putting it on paper or where you can go back now and then to update and reflect on what has happened and how far you have come. It also allows us to evaluate where we are now and put everything into perspective.

So now as we prepare for the last Supermoon of 2015 – put everything you want and solutions to your struggles on your list.  Don’t let anything – emotions or situations push you into negativity! Try to be positive and keep a clear mind.

Please be grateful for everything you have and thank the universe for the help that has come your way so far. Put your wishes on a list, burn them tomorrow night before you go to bed and don’t forget to put your crystals out.

You can read more about how to prepare for the supermoon here – Guide to writing your Intention/wishlist, crystals and smudging your house.

You can read more on the astrological details of tomorrow’s event here: The supermoon is our chance to have it all

I love feedback so please feel free to comment below or send me topics you would like me to write about