Full Pink Super Moon in Libra
Read Angela Mitchell’s Full Moon Guide to learn how to navigate through the energy. Release negative energies. Meditation and exercise included.
Read Angela Mitchell’s Full Moon Guide to learn how to navigate through the energy. Release negative energies. Meditation and exercise included.
I suppose we are all guilty of being hard on ourselves at some point in our life. Some of us are quick to overlook certain aspects of other people’s personality or habits but harsh on our own ability or weaknesses. There are times where this becomes overpowering and soul destroying. There are so many of us […]
New beginnings is part of the plan On Monday, we will witness a spectacular sight on our skies. The moon will be bigger and brighter than it has ever been in 60 years. It is called “perigee full moon” because it’s the closest to earth on its orbit. The moon hasn’t been this close to earth […]
Super charge your ability to manifest and “let go” of things using the Goddess Energy and New Moon Deepavali is the time of enlightenment, love, family, friendship and happiness. It is also a very sparkly and bright time as people will be wearing very colourful and shiny clothes, tables heaving with delicious food, fireworks and […]
If you like others I have been speaking to, been experiencing vivid dreams, extraordinary conversations during dream time or waking up at odd times in the night between 4am and 5am, then you are feeling the energy of the Snow Moon which will be fully realised tomorrow Feb 22) evening. While my dreams were perplexing […]