Speaking to my father

I was asked to contribute to an article on talking to parents after death. I decided to do this because it was something I do and believe in. In the days before I fully embraced my mediumship, I spoke to my dad to help me heal my grief. I was in such a difficult place emotionally and I was struggling with the situation I found myself in. Trying to deal with the death of someone who had such a strong and definite influence in my life was difficult. People like that leave a huge void. My father was no saint but he was also my saviour in many ways. So I would speak to him in my mind, sometimes ask for answers before going to sleep or even during meditation. I remember very clearly the very first time I was umming and ahing about going to the Arthur Findlay Spiritual college. It was a huge decision for me. The cost was one thing but to dedicate 7 days to try to understand my spirituality and mediumship was a big commitment. The fear that I would go all the way there and find out I wasn’t gifted in anyway was massive. I wanted to go but then I didn’t feel I was good enough. The course was on the Saturday but on Thursday night I was still undecided and hadn’t booked. That night I asked my father — should I go? Is this what I should be doing? I went to bed with more questions than answers. In my dream, my father came into the house and sat down on the dining table. I was sat there with lots of different brochures and leaflets. He sat there with his favourite whisky, speaking to me.. debating the pros and cons. As I was waking up, I heard myself say “go to Arthur Findlay College”. I knew that was the answer to my question the night before. Of course as a skeptic I thought well it was probably my imagination but as I lay there feeling this message, I felt my father’s presence and I had a deep sense of knowing of the details of the dream. I said to myself, well its probably too late anyway as AFC is very international and courses and the rooms tend to be fully booked months in advanced so what chance would I have less than 24 hours before the day? I called them anyway expecting to be rejected and guess what…..they had ONE room left. Someone cancelled their booking so I could take their place ! I have never doubted his support and his messages since that day. He is very much my influence and inspiration in my wonderful journey. It is very apt that this article appears on NYE and on the day I remember him the most.

I would like to comment on the headline which is a tad misleading. I don’t think any of us insisted that our relationship is better now than when they were alive. My case is a little different as a Medium, I can send and receive messages from the Spirit world so yes I have been given knowledge about my father and why he was the way he was, which has allowed me to get past his flaws and there is no longer that barrier which was here in the physical world.Apart from speaking and communicating with him, I also get signs and visits from him. I am humbled and grateful that I do as its been a very important part of my journey so far.

The article does not highlight the fact that I am a Medium and I believe that was meant to be. I would prefer people see the story for what it is — a relationship between a daughter and her father rather than a medium and a contact.

I do hope that anyone reading this today will find some comfort from all of us who shared our stories. I could barely speak to the journalist during the interview as I was so choked up.

Daily Mail article 31/12/15

Daily Mail article 31/12/15

You can read the full article here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3379647/The-women-talk-dead-parents-day-insist-relationship-s-better-alive.html#comments