Solar Eclipse New Moon July 12th / 13th 2018

The July New Moon and Solar eclipse falls in Cancer’s influence which means most of us are going to be pushed into making the core of what makes us feel secure – home, relationship, or money.  The root chakra, the essence of being and our core will be in focus. Matters dealing with pregnancy and the reproductive system will be amplified. These are not necessarily bad, in fact it will be positive outcomes or news. However if you have been sweeping things under the carpet health wise then this is the time to take action. 

While the New Moon likes us to face facts and start the shedding process, to prepare us for the Full Moon where we can “let go”, the eclipses’ role is more of one of motivation. It helps us move forward and accelerate the areas of our lives that we try to control or hide from, thinking it will go away. Just think of eclipses as you bootcamp leader – the muscled, super fit and no-nonsense guy who will push you out of your comfort-zone to achieve your goals. They come into our lives to shake things up a little because we often need the extra help!

Emotional issues will come into play so don’t be too surprised if you feel a little teary. Letting go and facing the truth of the matter is never easy. Embrace the tears and let go. It is okay to cry, it is very healing and can bring clarity to situations. I always find that when things are hard and I feel like crying, I always feel better and think better too!

This week will make you think about home – domestic stuff, your home and all the things that make you rooted, makes you feel safe and secure will be under scrutiny. So ask yourself what makes you feel secure and what is important? Is it food support, your past, how people perceive you or your heritage? How will you react if any of the above is threatened? 

I feel the eclipses combined with the new moon is here to make us reflect on what the deeper meaning of your life, what makes you feel secure and how much in power are you over your own life.

As I said, many of us sweep things under the carpet and hope for the best, from past hurts, failures, relationship with our family and even our own flaws BUT they do come back at this like these because they need to be HEALED and LET GO. Unconsciously you are still processing, holding on and being influenced by these patterns which the Universe wants to help us heal in order to move forward.

What we have to realise is that they will keep coming back in a cycle, month after month, year after year until its been acknowledged and released. So if you start thinking about the path – an ex, parents, a moment in time, failures or lost loves, sit and reflect on this and try to see the truth in the matter. 

The Solar Eclipse is your energy boost, the one which will push us out to change things. They push us forward and help us achieve more especially for those who have been stuck in a rut where work is concerned. Some of you may already have seen this happen the last few days and wondering how and why your luck has changed.

For women the theme will be about your reproductive area, mainly because the root chakra has been activated so discussions about your own fertility, motherhood or not wanting to be a mother will be a theme playing on your mind. This also means issues with menopause and periods could come up.

We are being given an energy update so shift has to happen. Change is here, embrace it and let it help you break the patterns that hold you back.

Here is my free moon ritual for you to do today – Moon Rituals