Strawberry Full Moon – Past Hurt comes up to the Surface

Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn
June 28th 05:53 am (GMT/BST)
This month’s full moon has an authoritative feel to it. Almost like an old fashioned school teacher standing with a cane – telling us to get things done. Discipline and taking responsibility for our actions will be the theme until the next full moon in July. Life lessons and consequences to our actions will be coming our way. This is important if you have been avoiding making decisions or facing in a rut.
Old lessons, hurt or things we rather keep in the past come back into the surface. Raw emotions such as grief or how we were treated in a job or relationship resurface and we are taken back to that horrible uncomfortable place. But WHY you ask?
You might unconsciously be dealing with that emotions like a virus in a computer not realising how it was affecting you. The new lesson may be creating boundaries, being less passive or even just to get some healing. Certain people, experiences and emotions, continue to influence us without us realising so it is important to deal with them. As humans in a very busy world full of distractions, we steer away from the important stuff so we need intervention from the Universe to push us into the right direction.
So be prepared to be triggered and pushed at times. Just keep the faith and pay attention. We have to be taken to an uncomfortable place first to get to our destination.
How to navigate the energy? Use tonight and tomorrow when the moon illuminated to its full power to manifest and let go.
2. Pay attention to your dreams. Lots of people are dreaming very heavily. Keep a Dream Book and look up symbols and messages.
3. Meditate – This is a beautiful mantra for Shiva. It means “I bow to Shiva.” Shiva is the supreme reality, the inner Self. It is the name given to consciousness that dwells in all. Shiva is the name of your true identity- your self.