How to stop listening to everyone else and start listening to YOU

How to tap into the intense energies of the Mercury Retrograde, New Moon and Solar Eclipse in August

What is your intuition telling you? If you want to understand what it means and how it will affect you, the best place to seek the answers is within YOU.

Listen to yourself at this powerful time. What are the issues that are cropping up, are people approaching you for answers, ad are you facing things that have annoyingly slipped out of the carpet that you so carefully hid under?

The New Moon encourages us to let go of all habits, patterns and even addictions to food, people and situations. This is the universe’s way of preparing us for the Full Moon energy which empowers us to take action to bring about chance.

Some of these issues will be difficult and sometimes even painful to face but trust me, there will be signals by the universe for good empowering opportunities. The best way to harness this energy is to listen, focus and take action.

If things are difficult, then understand that these are the issues you need to overcome, release and transform in order for you to move forward.

Picture a road. Visualise the issues, difficulties or negativity that you are facing now as mud or even quick sand. Now imagine this mud all over this road. Visualise yourself stuck in the middle of this.

Now think about your options:

  1. Stay where you are 
  2. Find a way out
  3. Blame someone
  4. Blame yourself

There is only ONE positive option and that is to find a way out by CHANGE. If you are stuck in the same old patterns or blame games then you are extending that pain and not moving forward. It is like playing a record again and again, like a broken record. You will go on loop and nothing will be different. I remember saying a while back that at the end of every year, say on the 30th or 31st of December, people will say things like “I hope this year will be different” on Facebook, hoping the New Year will bring change. But “nothing will change of you don’t change YOU”.

We fear change but if we look at change as transformational then we can also accept that it is empowering in some way too. If we see the positive in change then there is nothing to fear and everything to love.

At times these hard to face things like anger, resentment, failures and even health issues but they crop up for us to deal with differently each time. When you face them head on, then the transformation happens.

I sometimes get messages from my followers when I share my Moon Ritual guide, saying they hope something will change in their lives or that a situation will become easier. When I ask how they have dealt with the issue, they have no answers. They are hoping that by following my rituals that everything was going to magically happen.

No. You have to take action. Often the challenges are brought to you for to take action and break away from the norm.

Create your wish list, visualise yourself celebrating and feeling the things you wished for.  Ask for things that are realistic and ask for it in stages. The universe can only make things happen which are possible and things you can take action on.

For example if you want to buy a house, you must take action by viewing it, looking into your finances etc. You can’t magically own a house without doing the paper work or putting a bid in. Once you have made the physical move to “want” the house then the universe will have make it happen. For example help by a source of money you never even know existed appears to help you with the deposit.

Or someone asking for extra income takes action by say applying for a part time or freelance job which appears out of the blue. When your intuition tells you “it feels right”, or “do it” then take ACTION and listen to yourself!

The universe can help you by suggesting, prodding, putting things and people in front of you. But you have to listen, understand and take the opportunities. Pay attention to things you may view on social media and your devices. Remember the powers may be have to fight to get our attention these days compared to the old days when the stars, moon and sun were all they needed to pass on messages.

These days they have to compete with videos of cats, quotes, Humans of New York (which is brilliant by the way) and cooking channels. So when you see something inspiring or when your solar plexus start swirling, then listen to your inner compass.

There is only one person who can bring about change, YOU. There is only one person you need to listen to, YOU.


If you want to focus on yourself, then sit quietly with some soft meditation music or just in the silence. Feel your breath – in and out. Breathe in and then hold for 3 counts and then release slowly. Keep doing this until your body feels lighter and relaxed.

Focus on your heart as you do this. Think of your heart and then feel the centre of your heart. Allow thoughts to come but think of them as clouds that float from left to right and then, float away.  

Put your earphones on and listen to my short audio recording which will help you through this exercise.  

As always please do drop me a message if you found this useful and if it resonated with you. If you want to learn more, please do sign up for my next workshop which is view-able on my Events page.

With love,
