
Today has been a rather intense from both a positive and negative. I have been getting messages from friends, family and followers about vivid dreams and strong emotions. I woke up with some pretty amazing lucid dreams this morning and a few things fell into place for me which was fabulous. I spent this afternoon meditating on today’s energy and asked my guides for some wisdom.
The meditation was intense. From colours moving around me to guides appearing to visions and deep levels of understanding, it was simply magical!
My guide stepped forward to give us this message:
The venom that exist in us, drives us away from our true meaning, the purpose, our destiny, the source.
Keep still, be blessed, be true and believe in the journey. 
You will see the light, the source, the love and the meaning.
I reflected on the message tonight and I this is what was channeled to me: The venom he speaks of, is our ego, that drives us away from our true purpose which is to be happy and to be loved. Our ego to want to be loved, to be some body, to compare, to envy others and to attack, makes our lives more complex than it needs to be. It also encourages us to fill up our body and mind with negative emotions e.g anger, resentment, envy, aggressiveness, self depreciation which leads to outbursts, depression, unhappiness and so much more. The guidance is to keep still – by meditation, focusing on the moment and to keep positive. This will lead you out of the tunnel of darkness and into the true purpose of your life.
Why is this message important now? Because today and for the next 24 hours, we have an opportunity to accelerate our ability to manifest our heart’s desire. Remember that we manifest both good and the bad. Therefore on days like today and on New/Full moons, you need to be aware of what you are manifesting. If you go about the whole day being angry, speaking negatively and saying things like “I will NEVER be able to do…..” or wishing bad things on other people, you will be reflecting it all back to yourself. Always think of a mirror in front of you and things you are wishing for, good or bad, bouncing off and coming back to you.
I was very aware of the fact that I had fallen into a deep altered state and I do that very regularly. It was hard in the early days when I started to meditate. I did all the things people tell me – fall asleep, couldn’t focus and kept being distracted by thoughts. But with enough practice and dedication, it becomes easier and natural. I do have days when my mind won’t settle and I just leave it and do it at another time or another day. You don’t HAVE to meditate, you should WANT to meditate. If it becomes a chore, it will be difficult and frustrating. Once you feel its a pleasure, a treat or a fun thing to do, then it becomes easier and part of your routine.
Today I was shown like a few days ago, some future life visions. It was like someone was taking me into the future where some of the things I am trying to manifest has already happened. I did not even set the intention for this when I started to mediate so I was deeply surprised by what I experienced. I can’t really go into some of the things I saw as its personal but I was given a message about a future event which we will be hearing about.
I was taken deep into the sea where the waters were dark and the light to the surface was so far away that it seemed almost impossible to reach. I could not see any form of life around me. Hardly any fish or sea life that I could recognise or detect. I looked ahead and I saw sharp dagger like things jutting out. I knew that although we were deep down in the ocean, we were no where near the sea bed. And then as I looked further and and further into this range of pointy reefs, I noticed an object. It was a plane and it had nose dived into the ocean. It was still in tact and I was told the passengers were still inside this plane and that they had all passed fairly quickly. 
Part of me wanted to rush over as fast as I could to help but I knew I was merely an observer. The next message scared me. My other guide, the Indian, whispered ” Madagascar to Philippines” and then he said, a water related disaster is coming. I wrote down some of the words but also sketched a swirl like a tornado. He also showed me the plane dislodge itself from this reef. I sat and reflected on this message and it became clear that some sort of disaster would occur and the plane will be found. Which plane, when, where ……they were not clear. I will continue to ask them for guidance. 
What ever it is, I ask for mercy for the innocent and the poor. The world needs more peace, love and prosperity, not pain. I finished with a deep healing session for family and friends. I also feel i connected with someone who was spitting blood. It was really vivid and I felt like this person needs some support. There were lots of lovely spirit families around when I sent off the distance healing. It was so powerful and lovely.