January Full Moon 2016

Have you been outside to look at the drama that has been playing out on our skies this evening? Dark, mysterious and stunning. That is the energy that is around us at the moment. Used correctly, it can manifest our dreams otherwise, it will bring out some dark feelings. The best way to work with this energy is to do your wishlist a little different this time. Instead of putting all the things you think you need……. write down what you want to let go. For example if you are single, you would have put down “I want to meet a man” (some would add, status, health, looks etc) but what you may need to let go is “the fear of being alone”. I know it sounds unrelated but this may be really the real stumbling block to finding the right person and ultimately,to your happiness. We may be making decisions based on these core issues which run continuously in the background without our knowledge.
Or if you are hoping for a better financial situation, you are likely to write “I want to win the lottery”. First of all, the lottery is chance so even in psychic readings, a true professional will never predict or provide numbers or combinations. We all know the odds of winning the lottery is terrible so in a away we are asking the universe for something that way well be impossible. But getting back to the wishlist, you could choose to “let go bad financial decisions” which in some if not most cases (talking about myself!) the root of the problem. By letting that go, we are giving ourselves the freedom and telling the universe, we are ready for a better financial situation.
Think about what you want/need and let your mind wander to what you need to let go. Don’t over think it….just write down whatever that drops into your mind. You will be surprised. Don’t worry if it doesn’t work the first time and your mind brings up things like how many eggs you have in the fridge etc. Letting go takes time and our body and our mind is trained to resist it.
Pay attention to your dreams, especially the ones where you have a conversation with someone. Keep a notepad next to your bed and keep your eyes closed for a second and let your mind wander back to the dream to “catch” it. Write down everything you remember. Also keep an eye out for numbers.  Such a relevant message for me as I embark on a new but not unfamiliar journey.
My guide for the moon rituals is on here. As usual don’t worry if you can’t burn your wishlist or if you can’t do it today. Put your wishlist near a window where the moon rays is likely to wash it with its energy. You can put it inside a clean box and leave it at a safe place. You can also do the ritual one or two days before or after the new/full moon. All this is a GUIDE and not a rule. 
My camera is playing up so would love to see your photos of tonight’s moon. Also you know I love feedback so let me know if the exercise above helped.
Lots of love x Angela