I trained in Reiki 1 a few years ago and I have to say it felt amazingly easily to tune into the energy and make sense of the healing powers that I already had. It felt like I could make sense of the sensations and energies I often felt around people who needed healing. My natural instinct when someone is ill. upset or feeling low, is to hug, put my hands behind their heart or hold their hands. I have had many people including my own mother throughout the years who would say to me “I don’t know what you are doing but I feel better”. So when I was first introduced to Reiki in 1997, I took to it instantly. Although I never practiced it as a professional, I always used my healing for the good of family and friends. Back in the old days when my life revolved around being a journalist and being in the “proper” job, holistic and spiritual elements to my life was a best kept secret. I did what I had to do to help without too much fuss. Obviously now I have embraced it fully and decided that life is too short to care about what people think or feel about your believes. Today I work to improve the lives of my clients with all my abilities – mediumship, psychic, art, spiritual guidance and of course, healing. I am fully attuned to the Violet Angelic Energy Rays which is the corner stone of the Integrated Energy Therapy healing.
IET is healing’s “best kept secret”.
The founder of this energy healing technique is a very simple and laid back man and its not pushed out to the masses in a sleek and commercial way. I connected with this energy very quickly when I was introduced to it last year and I knew instantly…..this is it. This is what I was looking for my healing and it made sense. It was light on the practitioner as unlike Reiki, you don’t take into yourself, the energy transfer leaves your body totally and you are merely channeling the energy away from the client to the Angels. I also found the steps simpler to follow and easy to use my natural intuitive connection to identify and release the areas of concern. IET is also very gentle but my goodness, the learning lessons and results can be very powerful. Angelic energy itself is very pure and vibrant but the session sometimes taps into other areas of my mediumship which I love as it bring a deeper connection to the client.
One of the common questions I get asked about IET is what is the difference or similarities to Reiki. Let’s face it, Reiki is a more commercially known name and you have plenty of people practising so when people think of healing, they do think of Reiki. It is a a little hard to explain to people in detail and also why I am passionate about this new generation of healing. Here is a response from one of our Master Instructors about this commonly asked question:
Both IET and Reiki are attunement based energy therapy techniques. That is, students are attuned by a Master as part of their training. The attunement permanently expands the student’s human energy field to be a vessel for a specific energy vibration. The IET vibration uses a violet angelic energy ray that is higher in vibration than Reiki. IET practitioners heartlink to their healing angels and direct the angelic vibration through the IET techniques to support themselves and others in their healing.
Whereas the gift of the Reiki ray is physical healing, the gift of the IET ray is emotional, mental and karmic healing.
Reiki is a passive energy therapy approach. Basically you flood the cellular memory with Reiki energy and when enough energy is present, the blocks clear. As a veteran Reiki practitioner, I found that many times I would know that a client was not clear but found that the Reiki energy vibration and technique just could not reach and clear the deep blockage. IET is an active energy therapy in that after flooding the cellular memory with energy you use the powerful IET integration energy points, your angelic heartlink energy and the pullout release techniques to go in and clear even the deep energy blocks.
The focus of IET is on clearing suppressed cellular memories and emotions (even karmic ones) from the energy anatomy and human energy field. IET is based on a unique cellular memory map in which 9 primary areas of the energy anatomy are identified as storing specific suppressed emotions and are targeted for clearing. IET hand positions are focused to clear the 9 cellular memory areas. The Reiki hand positions are designed to provide a general coverage to the energy anatomy with no specific focus to clearing suppressed emotions.
An attribute of IET that makes it so quick and powerful in clearing energy blockages is the 9 sets of Integration Power Points. Integration power points are acupressure like points which when activated by the IET energy vibration trigger the quick and easy release of even the most suppressed cellular memories and emotions.
Another question I get asked is how many sessions? I don’t like to pressure people into booking lots of sessions but three sessions is a good place to start for someone who is used to healing and its cheaper as I do block booking deals. You get a lot out of three sessions especially as it does take time to work on the different areas of blocks as on one session, there may be a need to focus on one particular area and the next will focus on the secondary block. The trainer also talks about who the focus is not just on using IET energy for clearing but also for expansion. There are some gentle techniques used which can accelerate one’s soul mission. This can open doors for them, experience new areas of their self expression, work, improve relationship and bring about positive changes in their lives. The results vary from one person to the other. It is also very much on the individual as to whether they are ready for healing and releasing. I found some people needed more because of the resistance during the healing while some only needed one session to blast out old habits or emotional baggage.
Join me for a beautiful and loving IET session in my modest but welcoming therapy room where we will working on your issues to help in all aspects of your life. You can read more about IET here.
Please do not hesitate to leave me a comment or message if you have any questions about IET and healing.
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) is one of the next generation – hands on – power energy therapy systems that get the “issues out of your tissues” for good!