The New Moon & Navatri – Facing our Inner Darkness to see the Light

The New Moon is often over looked when one talks about Moon energy. The Full Moon is well known and pushed forward as the time to release and let go. Moon energy, is a cycle in every way possible and needs to be slowly introduced into our auras as it triggers growth and change. If you do it all at once then humanity will be overwhelmed and sanity will be questioned. Everything that falls into our space has to be done in stages and gently. Even with that amount of care, some of us can be so desensitised that we rarely understand the subtle signs until we are faced with it.

The emotions activated the week before and a few days after the New Moon are usually raw, and very much in line with our soul’s mission. Every one of us are “spirits” having a human experience, with a purpose. Unfortunately as more experience we clock up, we also tend to be conditioned to stray away from our original goals. We may have been told that were are “not good enough” to be something or someone. So we stop ourselves from even trying a skill or love. This creates an inner resistance because although your mind tells you what is NOT possible, your soul is determined to lead you to what IS possible. So until you face up to these clutter within, we will be going around in circles and living the same story, again and again.

So here is where the New Moon saunters in each month, stirring up old stories, clutter and dark matter that we try to suppress. Things will crop up, people will crash into your lives, events will occur out of your control – all forcing you to run around like a headless chicken. You will then see changes, action and solutions by the time the Full Moon comes in. 

The New Moon is like the bad cop and the Full Moon is the good cop! There are events astronomically as well as spiritually that align closely to either moon phases that accelerate and amplify the effects. 

This month’s new moon falls on Navratri which is the Hindu nine night festival that ends with the “the victory of good over evil” which then culminates with the festival of light – Diwali.

The Goddess Durga, is worshipped through offerings, dance and religious events during this festival. Each area in India and their respective communities have a different way of celebrating from different deities celebrated on each day, to types of prayers, music or dance to traditions. You can read more here.

There are some huge injustices happening within our societies and indeed, the world right now. From human to natural forces, it doesn’t feel fair and suffering seems endless. It feels like everything has to fall apart, be completely broken in order for it to be rebuild and made complete. The guides tell me that there is a huge secret to be revealed or dislodged (perhaps something from underwater?)  and there is going to be big shift in world politics very soon. The strong will be weak and the weak will be strong.

New Moon & Navratri Significance 

Most of us fear the unknown. We also fear ourselves. Imagine standing in a room full of mirrors. Your image plastered all over, looking back at you with no where to run or hide. How many of us can say they would be 100% comfortable in that room? Not many I suspect. Shining the Image result for navratrilight within to see clearly, the things we have spend a lifetime trying to hide and hide from, can be a very emotional and upsetting. I know so many people who want a reading but are too scared because of what will come out. It is because they are terrified of the things they don’t want to face. When the light is shined on us, we have to take it warts and all. 

It is also believed that Goddess Durga was created by Lord Vishnu as a warrior goddess to protect the good people against the demon, Mahishasur. She is the combination of all the Gods energies and their power. The demon had declared that “no man” could ever kill him, which is why a female deity was created. Durga is the protector of the good, the women and children. She is justice and infinite. She is the light in the dark.  Durga is a Sanskrit word which literally translates into the one who eliminates sufferings. She is usually depicted with eight or 18 arms holding an object or tool in each hand, indicating that she is fully equipped and ready for battle.  Durga symbolises freedom from fear, justice, winning the battle, being alert and ready for anything. Durga Amma is worshipped for help with fertility issues, strength, endurance and positive outcomes. 

What to look for this week:

  1. Emotional – how are you feeling? Write down how you are feeling and then dig deeper – ask yourself why is this coming up now. What is bringing this up.  Are there changes to your mood? Being irritable and angry. Is there something within that you are not facing but driving you to react badly to situations? Stop and consider because when you react straight away then you have no chance of correcting yourself especially when it concerns other people. Tears will also be significant for some people as when you have been in a state of mind or situation for so long, it inevitably becomes your “comfort zone”. Make a conscious decision to “let go” and you will see everything soften and shape up nicely for October’s Full Moon.
  2. Physical Symptoms – as the shedding process get underway this week, our chakras will be activated and problem areas will be highlighted. For example if your throat chakra may cause you to clear your throat more often this week, and symptoms such as coughing and congestion in the throat encourage you to speak up, communicate your truth and not to feel suppressed.  If your stomach keeps churning this week (and not because of an existing medical issue) then you are being encouraged to let go of “confidence issues”. As the chakras work extra time this week, you will find yourself feeling very overheated and thirsty. Please drink lots of filtered water or lemon water. 
  3. Dreams – most of us have vivid dreams but don’t always pay attention to them. This week you will find yourself going through massive journeys during dream time. Watch out for the moment before you wake up because the messages and clues from your soul will be likely to be given right before you wake up. Pay attention to any lingering words, images or scenes you may be seeing or hearing in your mind the moment you start to wake up and just about to let go of sleep. For example I had a roller coaster of a lucid dream and the last thing I remember was drinking from an artisan bottled drink. It was one of those fancy combination homemade drinks like rhubarb and poached pears or something like that. The more I was waking up, the label started to look fuzzy but one word – “turmeric” got brighter and brighter on the label. I knew it was relevant as my grandmother was a healer and medicine woman. She used turmeric for everything and it was her way of telling me to consume some to help me with a health condition.
  4. What is happening around you – there will be lots happening. From people pushing your buttons to events completely out of your control. There are two reasons for this, one will test certain aspects of what you need to let go and the other is to push you out of your comfort zone. You will face these tests to either show you how far you have come, for example your reaction to someone may have changed compared to three months ago. The other will be to make you understand why you need to let go of a particular emotion or reaction. A situation will arise and you will regret how you behaved which will trigger the release. The moment you realise what it is you need to let go off, then the process will kick off within you. To let go, to change to evolve – we must WANT it. 

 Do these three things this week to help the universe help you:

  1. Mirror Work Meditation –  Take a moment anytime this week to do this powerful exercise. Find a comfortable and quiet place in the house where you won’t be disturbed. Have a notepad and pen next to you on the floor. Place a tabletop/vanity mirror on a table infront of you. Make sure you can see your full face in it. Listen to this beautiful music on your earphone Image result for looking into a mirror( as you are likely to get the full force of the vibrations that way. Take a few deep breaths with your eyes closed. Let the palms of your hands rest on your knee, facing up. Feel the sound waves go through your body from your root chakra to the top of your head and back down. Slowly open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror. Look at the image in front of you. Don’t judge your flaws or imperfections, just look deep into the eyes, take in everything. Just be and look at yourself while you keep listening to the music. Let your body guide you. If you feel like you need to close your eyes, do it. Don’t analyse or try to control this moment with yourself. Write down anything that pops into your head. You can do this for 10mins or 30 mins or an hour. There is not min or max time for this. Go with the flow. Look at the words afterwards and ask yourself what it means and why it was given to you. 
  2. Energy Clearing smudge the house, clear the clutter and energise your crystals tonight. For the full guide and detailed explanation – Moon Rituals Guide 
  3. Intentions – write down all the things you feel you need to let go of, including people in your lives who may be toxic, to be able to move forward. Be honest and be clear. Imagine that you have the ears of the powers that may be. This works if you believe and trust. Take it outside and burn it as you say in your mind “I let go, I let go, I let go of all the things I no longer need in my life” 

In summary, this is a time for justice, redemption and personal freedom. Things will fall into place, even if its not entirely clear how it will benefit you straightway. Some of us will begin this phase finding themselves trying to get “justice” as it feels like going up Mt Everest. Everything feels difficult and full of resistance but trust and put your positive foot forward because there is light in the darkness. It may not be everything that you want but it will be enough for you to move forward. This auspicious new moon will empower you to “follow your dreams” if you let her.

If you are open to Hindu deities then please do listen to this beautiful Durga chant song – Listen to this in bed before you go to sleep. It is super relaxing and powerful. 

I love to hear from you. Has this resonated with you? Come back and feedback when things fall into place. Whatever your story, I want to hear it. Leave a comment here.

Happy Navartri and New Moon!