Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius June 2020

June 5th- 20:12pm UK Time

For those who have been following my energy guides, you know that I pay extra attention to Full & New Moons. These are potent times for energy, the lifting of the veil and have a huge impact on mankind.

Now when a full moon particularly coincides with an eclipse, the energy is magnified and things speed up. So yes, it is important to understand and take advantage of these energy hot spots when it happens.

Those who are aware know when to take action and when to keep still. For example important decisions are best kept on the back burner during a Mercury Retrograde. People usually encounter endless problems and miscommunication during this time. I can’t tell you the number of times someone has messaged me to say “I wish I had read your guide before I bought xx or signed that because it’s been nothing but problems!

Tonight, the just as the Moon completes its cycle and turns full, a lunar eclipse will take place in the sign of Sagittarius. This will affect our life purpose and direction for the next two years at least.

I have said before that our collective consciousness has shifted during #lockdown and will continue to have an impact on our thinking and most importantly, – feelings.

What was a priority in January will not make sense to us post lockdown. There will be more people appreciating nature, wanting to change career and even take a break to travel or move.

Sagittarius influence will help activate the “wanderer” in us. Hungry for knowledge, curious about the meaning of life and breaking free from formal structures.

A lunar eclipse alongside a Full Moon will trigger our emotions. Some of us will be feeling heavy, go deep and face some home truths in order to process these deep-set emotions. You know the saying that it has to get worse before it gets better? Well the feelings will be amplified for you to work on and then release. This will help you with your personal development.

Some of these may be grief, past hurts, or highlight issues in relationships or family

Empaths are going to feel the energy strongly this week. The Moon, Sun, and Earth are aligned today which so it will have a double impact on mankind as a whole. Some of us will feel this more than others. Empaths are open channels when it comes to feeling energy. I know I have been waking up with a terrible headache, feeling very thirsty and my hips and knees, have been very achy. My dreams have also been extra vivid and galactic. Write down your dreams and thoughts as you may receive information that could help you.

It is important to practise self-care and to look after yourselves at this time. Try to avoid being triggered and if this means time off from social media and interaction with difficult people then do it.

Most of us will have to change our mind set where money and materialistic pursuits are concerned. We may need to make do, sacrifice some things and be more careful with money. You don’t need me to tell you that the economy is going to suffer and things will not get back to normal for some time. The more acceptance of this fact will help us move out of this situation with compassion and calm.

According to the Old Famer’s Almanac, June’s full moon is called a strawberry moon which coincides with the wild strawberry season.  Beware of people’s agenda and try to see the full picture before committing to something.

There is a new path – a new way of living, new goals and ideas popping in. So pay attention to dreams and scrutinise your thoughts this week. “Why am I feeling this way” or “Why do I keep seeing this?

The veil between Spirit and our world is also thinner which means Spirits have an enhanced ability to communicate with the living. This could be through dreams, that voice in your mind, signs from nature to even activity in the house. If you have something strange occur in the house then speak to them. Ask them to make the lights flicker, or just ask questions to allow them to respond in some ways. Just remember that Spirits come with love and they miss us as much as we miss them.

We will have the opportunity to put into practise what we have learned in the last couple of months, for some it could be a new skill or business idea, or even pursuing and area of study. A new path is opening up with its up to us to develop an idea or opportunity.

A lot of people are angry and triggered at the moment. How we react is important. Instead of staying in anger and letting it double in size, use it to make a difference. Try to understand the emotions that keep cropping up within you. Use meditation, mindfulness or nature to process and release.


  • Smudge the house with some sage or incense
  • Write down what you want to let go of and burn it outside
  • Write down positively, what you want to manifest and burn it outside
  • Put your crystals in water, cover & leave it outside to energise in the moon energy.
  • Keep a note book and pen next to your bed to record down your dreams the next couple of days. See how it relates to your current situation.
  • Create space and time to meditate. The more you meditate during full moons, the sharper your intuition.

Root Chakra Meditation

I found this beautiful music from Meditative Mind incredibly grounding and calming. Listen to this whilst sitting on a chair with your feet on the ground. Close your eyes and breath in and out several times. Take deep breaths and hold for a few second and exhale very slowly. Slowly let your focus drift to your root chakra. Easiest way to do it is to feel your coccyx and feel as though you are breathing from your root chakra. This will energise and activate this very important chakra which is where our sense of security, foundation, self and grounding is held.

Full Moon blessings to you all,
