Full Pink Super Moon in Libra

April 8, 2020 3.35am GMT

This month’s moon is supposed to be the largest super full moon of the year, illuminating the dark sky with its light and energy.

The message I received about this Full Moon is healing & love. I feel that the days before and just after, old wounds will appear in our lives. This will cause some friction and even anger. Did you see something that made you rage with anger? Did someone take your ideas and pretend it’s yours?  Did you feel let down by someone? Has your ego been bruised lately?

People are understandably one edge right now with isolation, being told what they can and cannot do, financial setbacks to spending time with people they don’t get along. Don’t expect too much of people right now, as some may be suffering silently.  People tend to use social media to put the “good” and “nice” things but feel ashamed or too shy to share their pain or fears.  So beware of that still waters run deep right now. Be understanding and be patient.

Full Moons have this pesky habit of bringing up old wounds because somethings need to be healed, and lessons need to be learned in order for us to grow and help us wake up to our own spirituality.

So heightened emotions and feeling drained is common during this time.

It also helps us to differentiate between the petty and the vital things that we hold on to. The less attention we give to the petty, unhealthy habits or reactions, the more power we have to deal with the big issues.

For example if you helped someone and they let you down, then you have a choice – confront them and/resent them for it OR be angry – then let it GO. The first action will start a cycle of drama that could take over focus on the real issues in your life, and cause a divide between friends or family. There are no winners in this situation. Keeping resentment causes health issues and stress and I have seen this so many times as a healer. Our body absorbs the energy we put into it. Our cells have memories and so does our subconscious.  There comes a point where start to learn that letting go or as Taylor Shift says, “Shake it Off” actually is a more positive and winning solution for us.

So when these situations appear this week, look at how you react and learn from it. Also take into consideration the “behind the scenes” and motivations of people. Are they speaking or acting from a difficult place or are they just idiots?

Ask yourself, what you will gain from reacting negatively. How would not reacting or being kind affect your life?  When old stuff appears, it gives us a chance to do things differently. So take a step back and think carefully before you press “send”. This is a chance to HEAL the situation and to heal your own feelings about the person or persons.

For example, if you left a job a few years ago and resent the way you had to leave, but never had the chance to have your say, then this may be an opportunity to do it without the emotions clouding your words.  Your old boss may be in contact through a mutual acquaintance. This may bring some raw emotions back to you but it could also be time to let them know how you felt about the whole thing. You never know, she or he may have something to say that may surprise you.

Libra’s influence will help you strike a more diplomatic stance whilst speaking your truth. It is also helps with conflict resolution so expect some global events between now and May 15 that will surprise everyone.

The Full Moon is in Libra which is about balance but also about others, which with the Aries influence is all about our relationship with others.

Remember that Full Moons, especially Super Full Moons are sweet spots for manifesting. Therefore whatever you put out, you will receive. If you are putting out negative emotions, curses or wishes to others, that is what you will receive.  Be aware of your language and words these next few days.

Put positive and pure energy into the Universe to receive your wishes, hopes and joy for the future.

I mentioned Love, as another theme of this SuperMoon. I feel many of us will feel a sense of “no one cares” right now. Easily felt if you are home alone and social distancing. We should all be focusing on self-care and using this time to bring more love to ourselves.

How do you self-care? Spending time doing things you love, being kind to yourself and enjoying your own company. Not many people feel comfortable spending time alone. I guess I am weird in that respect as I really do love it. I have travelled on my own for years (even after I was married!), go off to the cinema, take walks, picnic and a good book in the park in summer.  I like the quiet so I can meditate, and sit in silence so I can hear my soul. I know, I know I am weird!

So use this time that we are given to read the books you said you would read, watch the programmes you never had time for, call or zoom the friends you haven’t seen in ages, be close to Mother Nature by working on the garden or just bask in the sun. Fill your house with scents of sage, sandalwood or frankincense.  Meditate, do yoga or do some art. Or if doing nothing is what you FEEL like doing, then go ahead. Don’t feel bad by others who may be packing their days full of stuff to keep busy. It is their choice and you are your own person. Whatever that you do, enjoy it and don’t feel guilty.

How to Release Anger Exercise

  • Get some paint or pastels. You can use any kind of paint – acrylic, poster or washable. Arrange it infront of you.
  • Get some paper – can be art paper, printer paper or from a sketch book. Best if it’s a little thick but doesn’t matter.
  • A fireproof bowl or an empty plant pot (not plastic)
  • Matches or lighter

Create a nice space – light some incense, set up a comfy chair with a table infront of you. You can also sit on the floor with all the materials on a protective sheet.


Do the exercise AFTER the meditation above:

Select three colours that you are drawn to. Fold the paper in half. Put a little of each colour in the middle, in any way you are drawn to. Put the paper on the protective sheet and press down. You can move your hands in any way you wish.

Should look something like this

Don;t forget to take a photo. Let it dry and then after you have done the Full Moon ritual, put it into the fire to burn.

Imagine that all the negative emotions you have stored about a person(s) is in the fire and that you are ready to let go.

Don’t forget to add your photos to the comment section. I’d love to see what appears on your paper.

