Monday, Nov 30 2020

London – 9.29am/ Malaysia – 5.29pm/ New York – 4.29am

The Full Moon on Monday, November 30th is a lunar eclipse.  There will be a sense of urgency to put “seeds in the ground” which means you will be driven tie up loose ends or putting things into action for new ideas. If you find yourself signing up to a new course, or feeling the need to speak to certain people or have a spontaneous urge to do something – go with it! 
What you do now will see fruit later next year. It may range from updating your knowledge, putting into motion an idea or taking up an offer. This hits our communication areas – the throat chakra seems to be rather active at the moment so there will be an urge to revisit conversations with family and friends. It may be a delicate matter so having had some time to think, you will be able to find a reasonable and amicable solution to an old problem or discussion. Some of us may even reconsider our position in an argument.

This Full Moon will illuminate our own personal flaws and our own culpability in certain situations. This is a tough one for most people as while we are quick to find flaws in others, we often hide away from ours.
If you are planning on doing any travel at this time (hard to do with lockdown but if you have to) then be prepared for last-minute changes. 
This will be a great week in terms of finding inspiration, being creative and tapping into new thoughts that could lead to brilliant ideas brought to life!  Keep your ears and eyes open for signs, however, the biggest challenge will be to keep your MIND open. The Universe can push the best of opportunities in front of us but if we are closed to ideas then its a missed opportunity.

Gemini’s influence at this time will help us with our communication as long as we step back, to think and have a clear idea of what we want before acting. It will help us clear our minds and let go.  So expect to be processing your feelings and reflecting on past arguments this coming week.
Full Moons illuminate certain areas of our lives and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but intuitively guided to say that health will be in focus for many of us. We may get news about our health that will force us to make changes or deal with medical professionals. Please do speak to your doctors if you feel something is wrong. Full Moons combined with lunar eclipses are a little extra, so it will push us to face the truth that we try to hide from so that we can in the process, release and heal.

You may even find yourself opening up to someone to discuss your inner darkest fears which will help you process a past hurt. The lunar eclipse will help bring closure to and old pain and consequently, release and let go.  
Some of you may have been feeling very angry and irked in the last week. I have seen a lot of arguments online which got out of hand, sometimes for the silliest of things. There has been a rise in anger and frustration. Try to dig deep to find the source of this anger.  Is something popping up to be healed and released? This is a good time to practise forgiveness which helps us release negativity and blocks from within. Do this simple but powerful exercise below.

Forgiveness Exercise:
Create a comfortable space for yourself. Light some incense or sage. Put some soft meditative music/relaxing music and sit comfortably. Pick a time when you know you won’t be disturbed. You want the space to think, feel and release your emotions. It is hard to do it with distractions. Put your phone on silent. Just relax with the music and breathe in and out. Try to breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts and release your breath slowly at 5 counts. Do this at least three times and it will give you a deep sense of relaxation. 

Bring to mind a person who has hurt you or a situation where you can’t get over.  See in your mind’s eye the person(s) who may have done you wrong.  Try to see as much detail as possible – what was said, the person’s face, the voices and emotions. Now say to yourself “I am ready to let go and forgive” and then “this no longer has a hold on me” and then notice how you feel.  If you still feel anger and powerless then do it a few more times until you feel a sense of detachment and that you have let go. 

This is a great time to do this exercise as we are on the final leg of 2020, a difficult and life-changing year of learning and change. This will help you leave the baggage behind and ready for the new year. 

Surrender, let go and forgive. 

Full Moon Ritual

Do your full moon ritual either on Nov 29th evening or Monday night. A good time to send your wish list to the universe and get your rituals done.

For the full guide: https://angela-mitchell.co.uk/fullmoonrituals