I wrote this sometime ago and use it whenever I feel a need to ground myself deeply. We begin each day with so much routine and very little time. We run through our days like water through a sieve, but there are times where you just have to stop and say thank you. Christmas is a time of reflection and the start of not only the festive period full of fun and gatherings but of taking stock of our lives. Soon it will be new year’s eve and we stop to look at all the goals we set at the beginning of the year, the people we have lost along the way, the new ones that joined us and the memories we have etched onto our timeline.
Before you start a new goal, a new diet, a new direction, stop and say thank you. Whether you know it or not, you have had help.
Even in the darkest lowest moment of your life……someone out there reached out and pulled you out of that situation, to stand up and move forward.
It could have been a good friend, a relative in spirit or finding a letter with some inspirational words. It could well have been a beautiful butterfly that sat on your lap as you cried or a quote on your newsfeed on Facebook. There was a force unknown to you that was behind every single action and reaction.
Someone messaged me to ask for a prayer for forgiveness and about saying thank you. I shared this prayer I wrote with her. I channeled this prayer from my Spirit Guide who is an old Indian sage holyman who was deeply philosophical. Sometimes when I share my writings, its always starts with one theme and then goes a little off centre only for it to come together at the end. He doesn’t come to me often but when he does it is always in a very soft, nurturing and loving way. When I channel him, I allow it to happen naturally without trying to control his words or flow so I write as he speaks.
I feel this will be a lovely thing for you to have as stress levels are high and patience is low.this week with the Full Moon on Christmas day. Take a minute to yourself. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths and then open your eyes and read this aloud. If a particular word or sentence resonates with you deeply then stop and let your thoughts wonder to a situation or someone. It may be that you need to forgive someone who has done you wrong and it has been really difficult to do it because of how they made you feel. Don’t think about the need to forgive, think about the feelings they evoked or continue to evoke in you when you think about them or the situation. Release those feelings to the Angels and move on. Let the Angels take care of it so that you no longer associate the negative feelings with that person so it will be easier to forgive and move on. Once you have finished the prayer just close your eyes once again and say thank you.
Please share with your friends and family. You never know how much someone needs this especially at this time of the year.