Taurus New Moon May 2021 – SELF WORTH

Are you feeling it? Yes, the New Moon today is super strong. Many of us would have started feeling the energy build up from last week.

Feeling a bit challenged? Boundaries crossed and pushed to the corner? Sometimes we need to be taken to the edge to fight back and claim what is ours. The New Moon energy is doing just that – challenging you in every way possible.

We need to be pushed to see what is going wrong, what needs to change and to take charge of our lives and situations. If you are a fence sitter or don’t want to be a “bad person” if you take a stand then be prepared to be forced into making one.

Sounds intense and negative doesn’t it? It is intense but not necessarily negative, It may get worse before it gets better BUT it will help you make the healthy changes you desperately need.

In order to break negative patterns, we need to acknowledge them. I am sure you, like me prefer to ignore or hide away from them. Sadly the Universe is not that sympathetic. It will just what is necessary to get you to where you need to be.

So if situations crop up this week (or have been in the last week), stop and consider why and try to understand what you can learn from it.

The New Moon will also be providing us with opportunities to see what a passion or heart’s desire if fulfilled could look like. For example, if you have always wanted to be a yoga instructor and feel very jealous looking at a successful yoga teacher on Instagram – use it to your advantage. Be inspired and see the potential not be jealous as it’s a dead-end road. Inspiration takes you to places!

You will find yourselves wanting to retreat from all the “noise” in society be it family squabbles, people’s opinions and unhealthy discussions. You may even be saying “I have had enough” to some people.

The New Moon in the sign of Taurus is all about looking after yourself and to ground yourself. Take your shoes off and go walk on the grass to connect with nature this week.

This is a MICRO moon which means its farthest away from Earth in its yearly orbit. So your feelings will be magnified and zooming into SELF.

Sometimes we have to within ourselves to hear our voice – our intuition and our heart’s desires.

In the quiet there is stillness and in the stillness, there is a voice.

The voice is of your soul.

What does it say?


– Angela Mitchell

It is very apt that this is the start of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 because this New Moon is very much about self-care and setting your boundaries. You may have already been questioning your self-worth and your role in people’s lives right now.

If you haven’t already done so, do my Cutting the Cords meditation to help set your boundaries and cut the cords that hold you back.

An inner journey to reflect, meditate and find calm will be important this week. Funny enough I am doing my self-care today by taking a few hours out of my schedule for a massage and some time alone. I love it when I plan things and it syncs with what is happening energy-wise.

On Thursday, the 13th there is another celestial event which will be influencing us – Jupiter in Pisces where we are will want to be gentler on ourselves, and retreat from others.

Tonight is a good time to do a New Moon ritual: