Solar Eclipse & February’s New Moon – Energy Guide

Top 5 things to do to navigate through this intense energy 

These last couple of weeks have been intense for many people. We have been caught between the lunar eclipse which was near the last full moon on Feb 11 and the solar eclipse on February 26th. The eclipses magnify the energy but they also bring about stormy conditions. Much like Doris which is causing havoc in the UK right now. In every situation, we have a choice – to ride it or let it take over us. Most of us have been experiencing extra vivid dreams, some of which don’t make sense but it can also be signals from your subconscious mind giving you clues as to things you need to release or deal with in order to move forward. Remember whatever we try to hide underneath the carpet, has to be cleaned up at some point!  This can be anything from an emotion to maybe a disagreement to signing papers. These are the things that are holding you back and needs to be reviewed. It may feel challenging now but like the storm, once the sunshine shines through the dark clouds, you will feel much better.

Ideas and new themes will be abundant so keep paper and pen handy at all times. I remember saying this in a post recently and I reiterate – keep your eyes and ears open. 

The very structure of our DNA and physical layer is being upgraded,that we are being pushed to get rid of the baggage that has been like cords, attached and pulling us back into the past. This is why it is important to pay attention and record down dreams and thoughts that might drop into your mind.

Your brain and crown chakra’s energy will be boosted during this upgrade. This is also why people are waking up with headaches as you need to hydrate! Energy is being used up. Fuzzy head, flu like symptoms and general tiredness will be common until next week.

The eclipse season is here to highlight the baggage, magnify it to the point you MUST face it, and transform. Be grateful for this opportunity to “let go” and improve. You are also being asked to change your perception of people and situations. The reason for this will be clearer in the coming months. The more you try to suppress it, the bigger it becomes and then you will feel like drowning.

I don’t know about you but I have been having a lot of “AHA” moments. That moment of clarity of all the dots joined up together is priceless. Most of us have been grappling with huge challenges recently with nothing being clear causing confusion and stress. Trust that the universe has your back but trust yourself even more. 

I do feel that many of us will feel like one hand takes and the other gives. Something difficult will fall into your lap one moment and just as we give up hope, something nice happens. This year is about balance and the universe will try to strike a balance in every way possible. There is never going to be a perfect year, just like we are not perfect ourselves but there will be little things to outweigh the bad.

How do you take advantage of this energy?

  1. Keep paper and pen handy, especially at the bedside. Write down whatever message you hear when you open your eyes, Try to remember what you saw/heard/felt in your dreams. Date it and add the time you woke up. There may even be a message int the time you wake up – for example 05:55 is an Angel number indicating major life changes and that you are making the right choices. 
  2. Hydrate – drink the recommended amount of water each day as your body needs it right now
  3. Pay attention to the people coming to your life right now. Are they from the past – that you need to heal the relationship to move on? Are people being sent to you to bring up old emotions or issues that you thought you have overcome? 
  4. Meditate – the best and simplest way to focus, relax and listen to your own soul! I have a selection of meditation music that may help.
  5. Prepare for the New Moon – do my moon ritual which is free and easy to do. This is my gift for you and anyone else who needs it. Smudge the house to clear the energy, cleanse your crystals to energise them and write your lists.

I hope the energy this weekend will bring you a fresh new start, clarity of the mind and love in every way possible.

Love and Light, 