This year has seen a lot of people going back to the past to find answers and to readjust their path in order to re-imagine their future. In doing so, some have felt a overwhelming feeling of failure, unease and even dealt with their pride being hurt. The ego is bruised when we change our paths to something we truly believed in not working out. It is hard to accept, the mind taking charge and making realistic plans. Failure is felt when things don’t go to plan or once you have realised that like the man who tried to get water out of the well, that it was going to take a lot more work as the pail had holes in it. Hot, and sweaty with sore arms, he slogged away to fill the jugs of the cool, clean well water. The pail with the hole was reducing the amount of water per draw. He could either keep doing what he was doing with little result or get a new pail or find something else to use. Alternatively, he could find another water source. These are choices not failures. You can overcome a situation using your internal wisdom and not allow emotions to cloud your judgement. In the same way, some of us are dealing with “letting go” of the security of what you are doing, of the feeling of failure, of change or the fear of something new.
Our physical body signs can be very revealing. These last week along with the very atmospheric skies over the UK shadows our inner struggles. The darkness within mirrors our experiences outside. People have been in touch this week saying they have been feeling very defeated, angry at times, procrastinating, depressed, fuzzy head and another even said some said they felt wobbly. Imagine there is a tug of war happening inside your body. How would it feel? One end pulling on the robe and the other holding on to the rope for dear life. Obviously there would be tension, agony and the sheer will power of both sides to hold on to the rope wouldn’t you? Your body is merely reacting to what is going on in your mind and spiritual layer.
We are being asked to take a step back from our situation and to review it with clear eyes and less attachment. The more you do this, the easier it will become. If we view it as “failure” then it attracts other mental negativity that only leads to a darker place mentally. We become too emotional and our actions will be driven from the wrong place. Using logic and a practical approach allows us to see things for what they are and making the adjustments to rectify the situation.
Energetically, this is happening for a big reason as this entire week, has been about “Good” vs “Evil”. Today ends the victory of good and Hindus around the world will celebrate Diwali which is the festival of lights. According to Hindu mythology, a super powerful demon called Narakasura who unleashed unimaginable pain and suffering to the world, was killed by Goddess Kali. who is a powerful, albeit scarier avatar of the Gods merged together. She is the warrior Goddess who was created to go to war, to save the world, to bring salvation to mankind. This is why her image often depicts her holding the bloody head of Narakasura. Simply put, the demon had declared to all the male Gods who tried to fight him and failed, that “No man can kill me”. He was arrogant enough to dismiss feminine power and therefore was defeated by Kali who incorporated both male and female energies. Hindus fast and pray for light into their lives, deal with the darkness within before today, when the dawn breaks to bring positivity and success. The Goddess of success and luck, Lakshmi is celebrated on the last few days to pray for happiness, fortune and success in all aspects of their lives.
In some ways, festival of lights is the war of inner darkness, to ward off bad luck and and dedicating time and space to positive thinking. This translate to our modern times as using knowledge and intuition to overcome our own darkness. When there is darkness there is light. So when there is doubt, trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to step into the bright light where there is clarity.
The New Moon which arrives tomorrow (October 19) offers us a new cycle of “letting go” and transformation which will be felt strongly by the Full Moon which falls on November 4th. You can help the universe by writing down your situation or what is holding you back on a piece of paper and go outside tomorrow evening to burn the paper. Hold the thought in your mind that you want to let go and welcome help from the universe. The veils between our two worlds are thinning so there is no doubt that our Spirit people, Angels and the universal force will be there to lend us a hand. Keep your thoughts positive, believe there is good change happening and everything will work out for the best. Be open to the fact that it may not be exactly how you want it, as the more we relinquish control, then the easier it is for the powers that may be, to deliver.
So why is this happening and why now? There is a bigger picture for us to open our awareness to. There is a next level of consciousness and experience but we cannot get there if we are holding on to fear and same old believes. The world is changing and there is a huge shift of thinking coming our way. We have often questioned how human evolution was going to take place, are we going to turn into zebras or three eyed aliens? What next after the ape? Well according to my awareness, the evolution will come in changes to mindset, to the way we think and feel. New thought processes and being able to accept the inevitable such as the possibility of Spirit being in the same space as us will be more accepted and mainstream.
So it starts with us now. Being able to shift our consciousness will be important. We are being shaken to the core to make ourselves a lot more flexible and accepting for what is around the corner. There are exciting times ahead for all of us and there is a universal feeling of “something big” is about to happen.
It is also a good time to make space for yourself and meditate. I love this very uplifting and super powerful mantra which is mantra of mantras. The music and the singers voice is so calming and gentle which really changes the energy around me when I listen to the music. You can click to listen to it here. I am actually listening to it as I write this guidance.
With that I wish you all a lovely Diwali and may the light be always in your life.
Lots of love and blessings,