November’s New Moon – New Beginnings minus the “junk”

These last few weeks since the Beaver Moon on Nov 5th has been challenging for most. In my free guidance earlier this month, I spoke about  Force Majeure which is about superior force or something out of our control. How many us faced situations not unlike a tornado with spiralled out of our control? I know I had one where I felt I was caught in the middle of the eye. I was put under considerable stress and prodded to breaking point. Luckily self control and diplomacy helped but my goodness, it was intense. One of the main themes of the last full moon was “water” and this lead to very disruptive emotional state of mind and communication problems. 

Emotions were definitely running wild, within our minds as well with our relationship with others. Bear in mind that this year is all about transformation and change. This means that the change is triggered IN us so there is a domino effect in terms of how you get along with people, feel about them and even treat them. The change within will determine the rest. So yes, the next couple of months till February will be emotional and communication can break down if were are not careful.

The New Moon in Scorpio brings some stubbornness and determination. Don’t try to cut off your nose to spite the face in trying to “stand your ground”. Consider your options and listen to what people are saying before you react. There may be some truth in it or learning lessons so don’t dismiss everything as a negative.

Scorpios are generally very passionate, focused and want to know more. New Moons are the start of a new cycle and a fresh start to old problems. So think of what you are passionate about and how you can change your focus, to make it work for  you. A change in perspective brings new solutions that were otherwise hidden by our one dimensional outlook. 

This New Moon encourages us to “declutter” in more ways than one. How many of you have been feeling like you need to downsize or declutter the home? You may be looking at reviewing your friends list to see who has been “naughty or nice”. 

Imagine you want to climb Mt Everest but have a big trolley bag with you instead of a bagpack. You have the wrong luggage and too much of the wrong things with you, weighting and slowing you down. The moment you stop being stubborn and throw out the stuff you don’t need and only take with you in a smaller bag, what will be useful, will you succeed in your journey. As difficult it was to let go and get rid of the “stuff”, which are familiar and what you thought you needed, it felt good to have less.

Now imagine that the stuff you threw away were negative emotions such as procrastination, self sabotage, anger, addiction to food or substance or even people, stubbornness, laziness, passiveness or even defeatist attitude, or people – those who bring you down, encourage you to stay in your comfortzone, those who push your buttons, those who tell you what you “want” to hear, then your load will be much lighter. The universe can’t help you manifest the life or the things you want if nothing changes in how you live your life. It can push you into the right direction but you need to be in the right mind set to see the opportunity and to accept it. Nothing will change until we get rid of the “junk” in our lives, freeing up space for new ideas, people and emotions.


How to help the Universe help you?

  1. Write your intentions list – put down all the things you want to let go off. Be realistic and don’t try to hide from yourself. Put down exactly what frustrates you about you. Why do you think some of the situations occurred in your life? Be honest and stop blaming others. Put it down on paper and let yourself free. Take it out on Saturday evening and face the night sky and feel the energy of Mother Moon. Speak to her in your mind and go through some of the negative situations caused by your own limitations. Tell her that you are ready to let go. Say this three times – “I let go, I let go, I am ready to let go” Burn the list in a safe place and ensure the flames are out before you enter the house.
  2. Smudge the house using Frankincense or White Californian sage. For detailed instructions read my free guidance
  3. Cleanse your crystals – You can either drop your crystals in a bowl of filtered/cooled boiled water with some selenite to self cleanse or leave it outside to be fully energised and cleansed by moon energy. Use the water the next day to water your plants. 
  4. Declutter  – the house. Get rid of things you really don’t need. Create space for yourself in the house. Giving things away can be therapeutic. Put pen to paper to see who has been creating most of the drama in your life recently and ask yourself if you need to step away from them for a while?

Happy New Moon and New Beginnings to you all!