November – Master Number Month of Insights & High Energy

November – The Awakening Month 

November 11, 2018 is a master number day so listen up. 2018 is a 11 year (2+0+1+8 =11) so Nov 11 is a 11-11-11 day.

11 – 11 is a gateway for new energy and this falling just a few days after the New Moon brings in an extra dose of light. November is our PUSH THROUGH month. Some of us have seen major transformation from personal attitudes, business, and changes in situations to even relationship statuses.

2018 has allowed many of us to face our truth. November is going to push you forward and help get you ready for 2019. We will receive a high frequency of energy and healing this day. So please keep your thoughts positive, write in your gratitude journal or jar. You have nothing to lose by refocusing on the good stuff and what you would like to welcome to your life. It is free and if it works then it will magnify the good and help you achieve your dreams. Equally if you only focus on the bad and the “it won’t happen” stuff then you are really manifesting the “crud”, the things you should be letting go, not keeping in.I have already seen some changes in the energy around. More and more people seem to be open to Spirit and spiritual discussions. We are being asked to be more authentic, pure and speak the truth. 11-11-11 is also a “SIX” day which is all about dreams, seeing clearly, and opens a new gateway to be able to manifest your heart’s desires.

So focus on the light and the love. This is special and a rare opportunity to truly focus on what you need in your life. People sometimes tell me that I make it sound simple and easy, this whole “keeping positive” nonsense and “does it even work”. My answer is always the same. It cost your NOTHING to try to be positive and to focus on what you WANT. It is like setting your coordinates on your SATNAV. It tells your SOUL what you want so it can guide you.

You must also take action. It is like wanting to win the lottery but never buying the ticket. As they say, you must “be in it to win it”. Do your moon rituals, keep a gratitude journal or jar and try to focus on what you want so you can receive double the amount. 

Just like a magnet, energy is made up of positive and negative. So if you keep on the positive it will attract and bring more of the same to you and vice versa. Have you wondered why sometimes when one bad thing happens, a series of the same appears in your life?

The challenge is to not let the first negative event to derail you. If you show strength and tenacity to hold on despite the storm then you will make it out and push forward.

Keeping this in mind, use the energy of 11.11.11 to push through the storm and reach for the rainbow at the end. Now here is the thing, the WHOLE of NOVEMBER is scattered with this master number!

1, 10, 11, 19, 28 and 29 are all master days. I found October really difficult and slow. Things felt incredibly sticky and plans kept changing all the time. It was almost as if the Universe was playing with me. So yes it was incredibly frustrating but I felt the energy truly change after the 31st! By the first I had good news and things felt different. The same things which felt difficult in October is EASY now. So yes there is a huge amount of insight and ease this month. I am particularly excited as my birthday falls on the 29th which is another 11.11.11 day! It is not always that your birthday falls on a master number day. 

Does your birthday fall on a master number day too?