March’s Full Moon brings a fresh start for an old problem

The Worm Moon will be fully realised tomorrow afternoon at 2.53pm. This Native American name is such as this is the time when the ground starts getting warmer, and the earthworms encourage the robins and other little birds to appear again, after winter.

Spring equinox being a week away, and Mother Nature in most parts of the world is rebuilding and working furiously to bring it back to life. Mankind should take inspiration from nature. Has nature ever stopped because it had a harsh winter? Has a squirrel given up because its tired of climbing up trees and running around? Animal kingdom are curious, innovative and have great focus. They don’t give up because survival is key. We humans have lost our ability to hunt and survive. We merely exist these days as there is no need to fight, strategise or hunt for our meals. We are instead driven by convenience and choice.Unfortunately this does mean we tend to give up easily, feel entitled and often stubborn.

So if you have been having a “curl up and die” kind of feeling lately, sit and reflect on how you can work through this situation. There is ALWAYS a solution. Allow your inner voice – your guidance flow. Don’t let your ego try to talk you out of things. 

Some of us can fall into thinking that you need to grapple with problems alone or feel ashamed that you are in a particular situation. Please don’t feel that you need to do it alone. You never know who can help. I remember someone posting in a Facebook group about her situation having had to start over again in a council provided flat. She had absolutely nothing with her as she had to leave the home she shared with her ex in an emergency. It took courage for her to swallow her pride and post in a forum with thousands of people. She wrote her post with so much humility and she was embarrassed. She didn’t expect the huge wave of verbal support, encouragement and material help. 

You see people will JUDGE and have an OPINION on practically any aspect of your life but why focus on that? Why fear the inevitable? Put your hope and intentions on the solution not the fear. The key is in love and positive thought not fear. 

So let tomorrow’s full moon illuminate your current situation with clarity. You will find that there will be a need to rebuild. Sometimes the best way around a problem is to tear it down and start again. I have learned during painting that if it starts dragging on the canvas and something is harder than it ought to be, its time to put the paint brush down. I take a step back and look at the overall picture. I remember painting a man who was native american and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get his left cheek right. The colour wouldn’t sit properly, and it seemed like I didn’t know how even though the left cheek was perfect.

I let it sit there on the easel, made a cup of tea and thought about why this particular painting was so challenging. Well then I heard a voice, and a feeling. I realised this was Yellow Bear, my spirit guide who I have never seen before. He said there is no
 recorded image of him but he wanted to show himself to me. I was truly grateful for this moment and with his permission, painted over the image. I think if I kImage may contain: 1 personept trying to repair his cheek and ignored the message he was sending, I would have  ended up slashing the canvas with a knife and thrown it away! 

So step away from your problems and look at it differently. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people for help and don’t fear stop you from starting over. Sometimes the magic happens when we tear everything including our defences away.


I am doing a free Angel guidance reading on my Facebook page.Why don’t you go over to my page, follow the instructions and pick a card. I will be writing a full channelled report on each card’s meaning and what I feel the Angels want us to know about our week ahead. PICK YOUR CARD. Please do tag your friends or family who may want some guidance too. Its becoming increasingly difficult to be visible as a page on Facebook due to all the algorithms imposed by Facebook to encourage us to spend a lot more on adverts (which very rarely bring in results) so really helpful to have posts and pages shared.

I will be teaching my Full Moon Manifesting workshop tomorrow. How appropriate as we will be starting about the same time as the full moon! Please do read and share my Moon Ritual FREE Guide.

I love feedback so please do drop me a message if you have any suggestions, ideas or topics you would love me to write on. I want this to be a useful and insightful message for you to receive. 

Don’t forget to join and add your friends to my Free Facebook Group for insights, free readings, Facebook LIVE sessions, meditations etc 

With much love and wishing you a lovely week ahead, 

Angela Mitchell