Special 2017 New Year Guidance – 7 ways to tap into the Energy

There is no doubt that 2016 was a difficult year, but throughout it, there were lessons to be learned, people to be loved, laughter, friendship, growth and love.

We have become more resillient, wiser, aware and open to new challenges. 2016 saw the UK shaken up by the Brexit vote – to LEAVE. A huge lesson for the country and those who like to stay in their comfort zones. We can take personal lessons from this situationImage result for 2017. People tend to want everything to stay the same. There are many who will rather stay in a dead end job or a unhealthy relationship because it is familiar and maybe even easy. But then change is forced on them – losing their job or their partner decides to leave them, giving them no other choice except to change.  Life will not stay the same just because you want it to. Be prepared to move, evolve and change or life will do it for you, painfully. 

2016 has prepared us to expect the unexpected. This was evident in the US elections. Everyone expected Hillary to win as it was expected that experience would win over controversy. The laws of the universe is changing so has our rules. 2017 is a year of ACTION. We had spent enough time contemplating what we want and how we are going to get it so now the time is ripe for getting things done.

Don’t over think things this year. Try something and if you fail, take it as a trial run. People will judge you no matter what you do. There will always be someone saying something about nothing. So listen to yourself and be proud of your achievements.

Working with a clear mind will set your spirit free to explore.  Use this  surge of energy to move forward in all aspects of your life. 2017 is a “ONE” year which in numerology means the start of a new phase in our lives. A lot more pregnancies ,birth and engagements will be announced. This is the start of a new cycle for humanity after the completion though the passing of so many souls last year. We will see a lot more people embarking on new journeys some which will surprised everyone around them and others will decide to take time off to go explore. 2016 provided us with an opportunity to truly understand our life purpose and find our “happy”.  2017 will help tap into our heart and intuition to bring forth solutions for our problems. 

The first three months of 2017 will be crucial for intention setting to set the tone for the year. There is also a strong call to put yourself first and look after yourself, from a mental, physical and spiritual way.

2016 help to uncover old belief patterns, self sabotage traits and even childhood conditioning that were holding you back. If you haven’t already dealt with some of this, then 2017 is not going to be easy as you will only be carrying it forward into the new year. It will feel like you are going around in circles and not getting anywhere. You can’t move forward if you mind is stuck in the past. There will be challenges but you will realise how strong and how far you have come, as it will be easier to deal with and get over things compared to the last couple of years.Image result for cords attached spiritual

Seven ways to tap into the energy 2017 will bring us:

  • Be flexible – don’t put restrictions on yourself. Allow yourself to explore and try things out without the fear of failing.
  • Don’t let judgement stop you. There will always be someone judging you, regardless of what you do so why stop yourself from trying?
  • Release control – things get easier when you resist the need to control everything and others.
  • Growth – there is an opportunity to grow, so try new things, whether it is dating, a new course or hobby. Do something different this year.
  • Say yes – to the right things. Say yes to yourself!
  • Believe – some of you will be embarking on new adventures – relationships, living arrangements and even career – be positive as it will be both exciting and scary!
  • Independence – 2017 will see some of us wanting to spend more time on our own, asserting our independence and even wanting to break free from the norm. A very individual and assertive time, embrace it!

Do more of “SCARY” so you have nothing left o be scared about.

New Year blessings to you all. I hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful and happy year.