September’s Full Harvest Moon in Aries

Full Harvest Moon in Aries

September 25, 2018 – 03:52 am (GMT/BST)

If you have been feeling pushed, prodded and put out to dry, then you are not alone. The Universe energy has been redefining us and helping us face up to the gritty aspects of our lives and personality to make room for better things since early this year. You need to get rid of the clutter before you redecorate it. This is how energy works, you have to let go of certain things to make room for positive energy. It is easy to wreck a room but hours to clean it up! This is what the Universe has been doing for us.

The autumnal equinox  the first day of autumn was on Sunday (Sept 23rd). This is when the equator passes the centre of the sun and gives the same amount of daylight in both the south and north poles. The days get shorter and the nights longer. Equinox in Latin means equal light.

This is the time we start appreciating the light, knowing that the coming months will be grey and cold.  We can draw lessons from nature’s life cycle and keep a hold of the light in our lives.

Honour the light within you. Give thanks to what you have to build on the abundance. The more you pay attention to and acknowledge the light within you, it will encourage more positivity in your life.

If you keep feeling negative then remember that you will be manifesting more of the same. So be aware what you are focusing on and manifesting. It will be a cycle that will be hard to beat as it will be your default setting.

Don’t be surprised if you have been feeling like you need space from people and from situations. There is a need to keep our energy and space clean from others. You will want to keep to yourself and remove yourself from difficult situations. Relationships may suffer or improve depending on where you are in your individual journeys. Some of us will want space between us and our loved ones which may cause the other party distress. You have nothing to worry about long as your communication channels are open. Explain how you feel and why you feel a certain way and ensure they are aware it’s nothing to do with them.

There is a reason for this. We are levelling up and our soul is trying to reconnect with Life Purpose- the reason why we have come to Earth. We all have a different reason for this life. Michael Jackson was here to create timeless music, inspire generations of musicians after him and maybe even make us more sympathetic to people with skin conditions. I can see this with Winnie Harlow who suffers from vitiligo. While Michael was ridiculed and suffered mentally from this condition, Winnie is celebrated for her appearance. It is beautiful to see her on front covers of magazines as a top model.

Your reason for being here could be anything from being a lesson to someone in your life to writing a book to inspire school children. Until you are aware of this, there will be a pattern of resistance that will occur again and again until you acknowledge it.

There is also a fire element to this Full Moon. So you will be pushed towards finishing what you started. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you have been surprised by how fast things moved for you at the beginning of the month. We have a very productive window until the October 9th new moon.

As Aries can be a little fiery so remember your energy can be a little over whelming for others and you need to take a deep breath before reacting. I have mentioned relationships being tested so just beware that you need to balance your emotions this month.  You will be passionate about certain subjects and I feel there will be plenty to discuss in terms of a shakeup in global politics. So just keep a level head and be kind.

This Full Moon will test your emotions but push you to keep going towards your goals. It will also remind you to keep an open mind to be able to make way for positive outcomes. You will also be encouraged to make time and space for yourself. You will feel emotional and there will be some crying. Old wounds such as grief and traumas will resurface for you to reflect on. Crying is incredibly healing and sometimes we need it to wash away some of the build up stress and sadness that we store in our hearts and minds. Physical symptoms right now that people may experience are heady feeling, almost like a cold and tummy issues. This is because the energy is hitting us hardest in our solar plexus and Crown Chakras. If you feel overwhelmed then sage yourself from top to bottom, starting from the top of your head down to your 3rd eyes, heart, solar plexus down to your root chakra and let the energy flow down to your feet. I have been loving this beautiful calming music to mediate to this week. 

Tonight is a great time to do your Full Moon Ritual. Below is a summary of what to do but for full instructions please read my Moon Ritual the most comprehensive guide to doing your moon rituals.