March’s Full Moon – Escape the Ego Trap

Release the Ego to see/feel better. The Ego Trap is when we only want to see what we want to see. We only want to hear what we want to hear. Freedom to see the whole picture is what pushed us forward not back. We don’t need anyone to tell us what are faults or limitations are but the ego trips us up in a state of denial or worse, the “I know better” . Facing our dark side is not failure or admitting weakness. In fact people respect people who can acknowledge that they in fact don’t know something but willing to learn more about it. I see a lot of things in spiritual world. Some will never want to admit they aren’t familiar with a particular aspect of spiritual work in fear that clients or followers won’t see them as a subject matter expert. The ego will push people to attempt to “know” something they don’t and often it shows  though the assertive language and vague messaging. It is better to let go of the need to a human Google and show a touch of vulnerability because we are only human and can’t “know” everything. I know because I tried to when I first started off and now I am happy to admit I don’t know things! Don’t mean I am not a good medium if I don’t know about Fairy energy for example! Image result for ego trap

This is important because the less Ego comes into play, the more we grow and transform. If we don’t release then we have no space for anything else. Therefore everything remains the same. How can change occur if there is no space for transformation? Yet many of us will complain that nothing is changing. It can only change if we shift our perspective and energy.

 Some people, often the ones most affected by the Full moon energy would have experienced digestive problems these last two weeks. This suggests inner turmoil and a build up of resentment. The body protests against the mind. Toxins have two layers – the physical and the spiritual layer. The toxins in our physical layer remains in the blood stream and organs. The other clogs up our spiritual layer which can then form patterns or cycles of self sabotage and blocks in our ability to manifest and live our lives. Both need to be released and rejuvenated. When you consciously release your old limiting believes and inner darkness, then the body relaxes and detoxifies naturally. If you have had issues with diarrhoea these last two weeks then your body is already starting the “let go” process so now the mind needs to follow suit. 

The more you hold in the bad stuff then the hard it gets for the good stuff to get to you. So if you have had constipation the last two weeks then your spiritual layer has been struggling and clogged. Your body is showing you how it feels and wants a deep release (no puns intended!). 

Finding the light in the darkness helps us stay positive and bring in good things. If you refuse to find the light they you will stay in the darkness. This Full Moon is all about choices – stay in the dark or find the light.

Release stubbornness, the need to be “right” and find the happiness from within. With a strong Pisces hold on Virgo, the Full Moon asks you to release your fear of change and to embrace freedom and to be more flexible.

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