June’s New Moon in Gemini – Digging up Core Emotions

*** June New Moon ***
New Moon in Gemini
19:43 UTC

The physical symptoms many of us are experiencing right now is a very “heady” sensation, like the head is in the clouds or a head flu sensation. This is a passing feeling and all will be well by the weekend.

There is a valid reason for this as Gemini brings us to our logical mind, brimming with ideas and encourages action.

We have all the missing pieces to the puzzle but are yet to see the full picture therefore struggling to put down our next piece. The mind is overactive trying to solve a situation or problem right now which is why we have this funny feeling.

It is a confusing time as well for many. You may have gained momentum in one area of your life and realised you have neglected another. So you are likely playing catch up right now. Others will feel they have taken five steps ahead and pushed back by three steps.

Breathe…..breathe….. and take a step back. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed or lose your confidence. Keep breathing and stay in a positive space as things WILL get better in one way or the other. Until then you will feel emotional. a little angry, teary and even wanting to keep to yourself.

Mars is also on Retrograde until June 26th, two days before the Strawberry Full Moon. This new moon is really digging into our core emotions and helping us shift energetically.  The throat chakra has also been vibrating. It’s almost as if the weather in the UK is reflecting our emotions today. Cry, be a hermit or meditate. Do what you need to do to ride this. Until then you will be dealing with the past – experiences, people, learning lessons and so on.

The challenge during heavy energy periods is keeping the faith. It is very easy to feel challenged and then give up. Our biggest achievement is being able to see new ideas and solutions in the dark.

Sometimes we have to be pushed into the darkness to find the light. Change your perspective and change your life.

Tonight is the perfect night to do your Moon Ritual, put out your crystals and manifest your hearts desire.

Get your FREE  Moon Ritual guide here


Find some time for yourself and a quiet corner. Sit comfortably in a chair, bed or on the floor. Burn some incense if you want or even a scented candle. Listen to mantra and breath deeply and then exhale as they say “HAM” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX5BXuGEXIE The “Ham” mantra is the sound of the Vishuddha chakra. It is capable of transforming and activating the chakra and is a Sanskrit word. Just lose yourself for a moment listening to the chants and the music and relax. 

Does this resonate with you? Comment below if it does!

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