June’s Full Moon in Sagittarius Unleashes Freedom and Self Discovery

The Full Moon in Sagittarius gives us emotional clarity that comes from deep within our hearts. Try as you may to hide what you really feel about people, your life or even areas in the your life, the truth will resurface. This is the time to trust the universe and let her guide you to a more full filling life. This is because we have been cluttering our spiritual layer with “dirt”, the by product of not facing our truth. Like a rubbish bin that is full, there will come a time when you have to deal with it. Empty the bin so you have space for more.

Take a few moments the next few days to reflect on what you are not facing and what you need to release from you life to be able to more on. What is holding you back and what are you unconsciously holding on to? Do you have a dream that you have tucked away and refuse to accept is part of your destiny? Are you refusing to sign a document that will release you into a new adventure because you are scared? 

Full Moon in Sagittarius brings you FREEDOM from Within. Unleash those dreams and let go of things that no longer serve you.  

Use the Full Moon energy to discover your inner desires, explore your feelings and find ways to express yourself. Some of us will find that we will be focusing on passion and having fun this coming week. Sagittarius energy is playful and energetic so expect the unexpected in your social life.

Caution comes in the form of spending money. Unless its absolutely necessary, try not to spend money these next two weeks. Keep a hold o your money and stay clear of unnecessary purchases. The energy will lead you astray so better to be safe than sorry!


  • Smudge the house with sage or incense tonight or Friday evening
  • Write your wishlist – things you WANT in your life
  • Write down things you want to LET GO 
  • Put your crystals out tonight or tomorrow evening to cleanse and energise them
  • Meditate for a few minutes and allow your thoughts to drift to your inner most desires. Ask your soul to show you the way. for inspiration, go through my Meditation Playlist for music that resonates with you.
  • Follow my Full Moon Ritual Guide which will have full instructions on how to smudge the house, wishlist writing and the full moon ritual.
  • Pay attention to any dreams you may have this next couple of days. Our soul and Spirit use dream time as a way to send us signs and messages. Keep paper and pen next to your bed.

The Full Moon arrives at 2.10pm on Friday, June 9 so your ritual can take place tonight or tomorrow evening.