Five Powerful Ways to Start 2020

Five Powerful Ways to Start 2020

Before you dismiss 2019 as a bad year – STOP and reflect on what happened over the past 12 months. Analyse every difficult situation to understand the learning lesson, how it pushed you to make changes. You see, if we dismiss each year like most do at the start of a new year, we miss out on vital knowledge that we need to react, do things and approach things differently.

The more we can analyse the challenges in the past, then the trends, patterns and learning points will be clear. You also start to see how you have grown over the year.

For example if you were forced to end a relationship with a friend or family member then once your have gone past the pain and negativity, you will find something in that situation that you can take forward.

Did you stand up for yourself? Did you realise that you shouldn’t have meddled in a situation? Did you feel better afterwards?

For example if the relationship ended because of your temper then you need to work on that in the new year.  Facing the facts will ensure you have the right tools in 2020.

Or perhaps you felt like a victim? The question is why? Was it the other person? What could you have done to change things?  Then it’s time to let go.

We have to be conscious of our actions and situations to be able to learn from them and do things differently.

There this is phrase that is used to death at this time of the year – New Year, New You. Well a change of dates doesn’t automatically bring about a new you!

Most of us drag our existing self along with the baggage and issues, into the new year but losing the baggage or changing its contents,  reassessing the route and tweaking the journey along the way will help you lead a lighter and happier 2020.

A lot of us set ourselves for failure at the start of the year as we feel the new dates will magically conjure up a totally new life and experience but then get upset as it feels the same the year before.

A more realistic and reflective attitude sets your expectations low and when things do turn for the better then you can rejoice at the achievements.

There are plenty of things to do to prepare energetically for the New Year.

Here are my top 5 tips:

  1. De-clutter and clean the house. Get rid of rubbish, wipe down the window sills, mop the floors, change the bedding, and vacuum the house. Do this ON or BEFORE December 31st . Do not do this on Jan 1st!  Do not clean or wash clothes on Jan 1st. It is believed that you will wash away your good luck if you do! Energy wise, it is good to clean and de-clutter as it changes the energy in the house and makes space for new things as well as luck.
  2. Sage the house -Keep your thoughts positive, switch off the phone and focus on the ritual. Use good quality sage to smudge the house.  Put it in an unused heat proof bowl and place it on a tray with a lighter and a feather. Stand near your front door, close your eyes ask Archangel Michael to ground and protect you. Ask him to surround you with his healing light. Start smudging the front door using the feather to push the smoke to the area, and then walk around the house, letting the sage smoke touch every window, door, electrical product, pillows, bed  and things such as phones, laptops and tablets. End your ritual by going back to the door, facing north and send out a prayer asking for a positive and happy for you and your family. 
  3. On Jan 1st evening – sit quietly or do this with the family even with the kids. Put some paper and pen around the table. Put some nice relaxing music. Here is my suggested list. Try each one and see how it resonates with you. or this beautiful music  Light some sage or incense. Close your eyes and breath in and out a few times until you feel the body relax. Allow yourself to let go. Let your mind drift along with the music.  Open your eyes when you are ready. Pick up the paper and start writing the things you NEED in 2020. E.g. – A new house, a relationship, a new job, a better boss, husband or girlfriend to be more understanding, more money, a new car etc. Put this into an envelope and put it somewhere visible. Write “Intentions 2020”  Put this in your Full Moon fire on Jan 10.
  4. Balance: It is important to cleanse and balance the body as well as the home. Clear the energy with these Chakra tune up that you can either meditate to or put on your earphones and listen to as you fall asleep so it can work its magic as you sleep.
  5. On Jan 1st – as a final cleansing, mix in a tiny bit of turmeric powder in a cup of water. Use an unused cup or tumbler. Don’t use too much turmeric as it stains so you want very little. Close your eyes and breathe in and out before you start. Think of Archangel Michael or any God of your faith. I always think of Michael as well as Goddess Lakshmi the God of Prosperity. Say in your mind “(insert name) please bless this house and all of us with good health, prosperity and happiness in 2020”. Start at the front of the house and work your way through the house from top to bottom. Take a leaf and dip into the water and sprinkle the corners of each room. Go back to the front of the house and pour out any leftover water on the front garden.

I really hope you follow my suggested rituals above as it will truly change the energy for 2020 and bring you a lot of new changes that will enhance your life. Most importantly do it with a positive mind and focus on what you need in your life. The Universe has your back! Just give it a chance.

Please do leave a comment and let me know how it goes.

Much love,
