2020’s First Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Guidance

Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2020

January 10, 2020 – 07:21 pm (GMT/BST)

This Full Wolf Moon is going to help us clean things up in our lives. The tussle between the mind and the heart has been happening for too long.  As humans we tend to keep doing the things to keep the status quo and often try not to ruffle any feathers.

The time has come however to take a deep look at areas of our lives that need to be reviewed. This means being true to yourself. Are you doing what you should be doing?

The sign of Cancer influencing the Full Moon means there is a very sentimental edge to this energy.  This will help you see your relationship with others and make the necessary changes to clear the way for a healthier relationship with yourself. We can outgrow relationships but still hang on whether its friends or family. Facing the truth and realising how you feel will help to release or shift the power struggle.

Eclipses can shake things up! So we will see some interesting news that will shake things up a little. Don’t fear this as it will bring some positive change.

The energy feels very direct and encouraging. We are being asked to get more organised and sort things out to prepare for a busy few months. This means getting paper work sent off, details looked and to stop procrastinating.

These are things that hold you back and stop the Universe from being able to manifest.

We are being asked to reconnect with people, find those who “get you” and step into our power.  There is so much divide and pain in the world right now so it is important to come together as one. This feels appropriate as the full moon is also called the Wolf Moon. As we know wolves hunt in packs. So look at areas in your lives where you need to work together or connect with others.

Mother Moon helps us find this in our hearts and lead the way.

For those who did my New Year ritual below just follow No 3 from the ritual for the Full Moon;

On Jan 1st evening – sit quietly or do this with the family even with the kids. Put some paper and pen around the table. Put some nice relaxing music. Here is my suggested list. Try each one and see how it resonates with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owVazx83hcc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY4oDD8ol_M or this beautiful music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=def3-73gR-U  Light some sage or incense. Close your eyes and breath in and out a few times until you feel the body relax. Allow yourself to let go. Let your mind drift along with the music.  Open your eyes when you are ready. Pick up the paper and start writing the things you NEED in 2020. E.g. – A new house, a relationship, a new job, a better boss, husband or girlfriend to be more understanding, more money, a new car etc. Put this into an envelope and put it somewhere visible. Write “Intentions 2020”  Put this in your Full Moon fire on Jan 10.

Full Moon Ritual:

You will need:

  • Sage
  • Safe pot or vessel 
  • Lighter
  • Water 
  • Glass bowl 
  • Intentions list (pen and paper) 


  1. Sage the house -Keep your thoughts positive, switch off the phone and focus on the ritual. Use good quality sage to smudge the house.  Put it in an unused heat proof bowl and place it on a tray with a lighter and a feather. Stand near your front door, close your eyes ask Archangel Michael to ground and protect you. Ask him to surround you with his healing light. Start smudging the front door using the feather to push the smoke to the area, and then walk around the house, letting the sage smoke touch every window, door, electrical product, pillows, bed  and things such as phones, laptops and tablets. End your ritual by going back to the door, facing north and send out a prayer asking for a positive and happy for you and your family. 
  2. Cleanse your crystals – if you have any crystals in the house then full moons are the perfect time to cleanse them. This is particularly important with crystals that you use close to your body. Take note that some crystals are water sensitive. Do not put amber, turquoise, red coral, fire opal, moonstone, calcite, kyanite, kunzite, angelite, azurite, selenite into water.  Put the crystals in some cooled boiled water into a glass bowl and cover with cling film. Leave overnight to bask in the full moon energy.  You can leave the bowl with water without the crystals overnight and then dip the crystals and then place on a kitchen towel to dry off.  I have done this for a while with my water sensitive crystals without any issues. Use the water in your shower/bath or into your plants. 
  3. Intentions list – This is an important aspect of manifesting and harnessing  Full Moon energy.  Do this before you start the ritual. Put some paper and pen near you and put some nice relaxing music. Here is my suggested list. Try each one and see how it resonates with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owVazx83hcc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY4oDD8ol_M or this beautiful music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=def3-73gR-U  Light some sage or incense. Close your eyes and breath in and out a few times until you feel the body relax. Allow yourself to let go. Let your mind drift along with the music.  Open your eyes when you are ready. Pick up the paper and start writing the things you NEED right now. e.g. – A new house, a relationship, a new job, a better boss, husband or girlfriend to be more understanding, more money, a new car etc. Once you have smudged the house with sage, go outside with your list(s) and a fire safe pot or area in the garden. If you don’t have a garden you can use a safe pot and do this in your balcony. Put the rest of your sage that you used earlier into the pot. Hold your intentions list and close your eyes (outside). Ask Mother Moon to help bring you what you need. Burn each page slowly. I like to have a lit candle near me so the paper catches fire quickly and burns faster. Let it drop into the pot and let it burn. For those who did my New Year ritual and wrote down your intentions, you can go ahead and burn your list. No need for a new list unless you want to.

Happy Full Moon and Lunar  Eclipse!

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