3.53pm UK
This full moon will appear fuller and brighter tonight. This is the 2nd of the supermoons this year (Jan, Feb & March) but this is to be the brightest and most active of energy.
I spent this evening standing outside in the cold, breathing in the energy and feeling the strength slipping into my aura.
There were two colours that appeared in the energy cords – green and red. Now most of us know that green represents healing while red is about passion.
Green brings about balance, growth, freshness and harmony. The more we heal the pain and the past then we can grow and create the harmony that all desire in our lives. Most of us feel very “stuck” in our lives and often feel like you are swimming against the tide. In actual fact you are. Because as long as you don’t address that is holding you back or feeling the pain, there is no way forward.
Red to me reminds me of our great inner strength. Sometimes we have to reflect to see how strong we really are. This often sparks a new sense of inspiration, energy and also courage. Why do we always look up to celebrities or leaders when we have so much to learn and be inspired by our own stories? Look at how far you have come to find the path to the future.
Red tells me we have to live life to the fullest. Embrace it and enjoy it. if you feel your shine has been diminished, then find the spark through art, music, travel, writing or a new activity that doesn’t need to be expensive. Find a way out.
Red is the colour of our Root Chakra – Mūlādhāra. The most balancing and important chakra. This is connected to your security and passion for life. Most people who are blocked in their Mūlādhāra feel very threatened very easily which could also result in a very short temper. In some cases anxiety in social situations (the issue I know is wider and more complicated with anxiety)
I know as I write this that the energy has given me the theme for this month’s full moon – healing the root – getting into the real issues that feel like a threat.
There is a lot to say about this but I feel like I need to focus on the main issues:
1. We will be taken out of our comfort zones and made to face people or situations. I feel there will be some past issues to resolve. Use this as a chance to deal with it and let it go. Diffuse the situation, heal it and try to keep an open mind. This is being brought to you for a reason.
2. Manifesting is HIGH right now. So keep your thoughts clean from negative self sabotage stuff that will keep bringing what we call “bad luck”. Choose LOVE and be positive. You are not alone, even if you feel alone in your situation. There are loads of people who are suffering and experiencing difficulty. it is how we deal with it and how fast we can find solutions that make a difference. It is easy to blame others but that never gets us out of a challenging time.
3. Put your energy into visualising your future and what you want. Look its free and there is no harm in dreaming about a positive future!
4. Be kind to yourself. I keep feeling a need to hug someone who reads my page because you are so critical and hard on yourself. Love yourself and treat yourself well my friend. We have one life.
5. This full moon is about letting go of stubbornness and allowing yourself to see the full picture. We all “cut off our nose to spite our face” at times. This is important because the energy is asking us to broaden our vision and to see the full picture.
6. You will be shown what you need to let go in order to bring in the new so keep an eye out for this.
7. Try to create some time this week (better if you an do it today or tomorrow) to meditate. Place paper and a pen by your side, light some incense or sage if you want and play this music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sG1vUByjAU&t=2854s its absolutely gorgeous and calming. Straighten your spine and just listen with your eyes closed. Write down any thoughts that fall into your mind afterwards. Don’t worry if you fall asleep. Just means you needed the calm.
Do my Moon Ritual tonight or tomorrow evening – https://angela-mitchell.co.uk/fullmoonrituals to manifest your hearts desire.
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#mediumship #fullmoon #snowmoon #februaryfullmoon #supermoon