Energy Guide – Oct 27th – Nov 20th

Moon Ritual New Moon in Scorpio

Change or be changed

New Moon in Scorpio 

28 October, 03:38am

There is so much happening energy wise right now that is affecting us physically. The New Moon in Scorpio on Sunday, October 27th  gives us a blast of transformation mixed with uncertain changes that some of us are trying to grapple with.

The transformation is to help us make changes within our structure – relationship to health. As humans we strive for security in relationships which form the basis of our being. A family structure that needs to evolve may cause a lot of distress at the beginning mixed with an inner knowing that it has to happen. We will go back and forth with decisions around shaking things up.

The reason for this is that the last strong Full Moons since June has shifted our need to be happy and to explore ways to make change. The decision is based on “what feels right” and on you even if it will cause upset.

This can range from moving to changing career that will have a domino effect on those around you. Ultimately you know what feels right for you, so trust your intuition.

Health will become the focus from now till January where many will seek answers for those niggly pains and aches. If you don’t feel right then get it looked at before it gets bigger than it needs to be. Mental health – depression and grief are important conditions that can cause lasting patterns in our overall well-being and have a knock on effect on relationships and career. This is the time to take it seriously and practise self-care.

Scorpio’s energy bring a sense of vulnerability into our lives right now. You will be shown the dark corners of our minds that we choose to supress and ignore. For those who are in this space, you may have felt or been made to feel extra sensitive lately. Embrace it and work through it. Try to understand why and what are the triggers.

You are being woken up and forced to face some home truths right now. Don’t be scared. This is a chance to transform and make the important changes to get you “unstuck”

Transformation such as these help us heal old wounds and learn from the past to carve out a happier future.  It allows us to let go of what no longer serves our soul.

It is about what you NEED not WANT right now. Our soul knows what we need but our mind steers us into what it thinks we want.

Try to think of this time as de-cluttering the mind and making more space for good things in your life.  We need to stop and take stock of what is going on, make changes and then plan for the future. As humans we very rarely like to do that as we have so much fear and hate to face our own truths so the Universe has to do it for us.

The New Moon influences our sleep patterns greatly but this time our dreams will be extra real and many of us are waking up feeling like they experienced conversations and situations that seemed REAL! There is a huge amount of downloads from the Universe so please pay attention. Write them down! 

All Souls Day is on Nov 2nd so the veil between our two worlds will be thinner and your loved ones in Spirit will be able to visit, show signs and share memories.  Show them your love, light a candle or sit in silence asking them to come forward.

Another important aspect of Sunday, Oct 27th is the celebration of Diwali or Deepavali (South Indian) which is a festival of lights. This is a celebration good over evil. You can read an article I wrote about this a while back here

As I said the energy right now is shining light into the darkness that you wish to ignore. This has a positive result and will bring a sense of relief and enlightenment to you. During this process you may end up learning a bit more about yourself. For example if you have had anxiety about certain situations or people, there will be things popping in to force you to deal with it/them. You may well be surprised at the results and realise that you are no longer the same person you thought you were.

The Mercury Retrograde occurs on October 31st which typically means that travel and communications will be interrupted. This is a tricky time to purchase big electrical goods as there is always trouble – faulty items or disputes. I always find things break down around this time. It is annoying but sometimes items which were already old or faulty will somehow choose this time to cause trouble. So keep some money aside just in case for repairs. The Retrograde moves on after Nov 20th so try not to buy anything big until then. The Retrograde is also known to cause travel issues – cars breaking down, bad travel weather and even delays. Being prepared means you can plan ahead and be ready in case something happens.

The Retrograde tests our patience as communications can be rather awful. People will be sluggish and will take their time getting back to you. The other thing is that misunderstanding occur frequently as your intentions especially in writing could also be misinterpreted or you send something accidentally to the wrong person.

Computers and electrical gadgets are often an issue so make sure you back things up!

We have to be extra careful with our communications and beware of other people’s struggles as well.  Your priority may not be top of the list of someone else who may be swamped. We are being asked to be more understanding at this time.

Retrogrades means things may not be what it seem, it is subject to change and we must be prepared to compromise.

We are being asked to take stock of our lives and plan, because by the time Nov 20th comes along, things will move fast. So if you don’t have your ducks in a row by then, opportunities will be lost.

Here is my Moon Ritual for you to do on the 27th or 28th October:

  • Smudge the house with some sage or incense
  • Write down what you want to let go of 
  • Write down positively what you want to manifest
  • Go outside after dark and burn the “let go” list first, really feeling what you want to release. 
  • Wait until the paper turn to ash. 
  • Hold the “wish-list” in your hands and really feel the elements on your list. 
  • Burn it with a little sage if you have some.  
  • Say “I am grateful for all the good things that will come my way” 
  • Keep a note book and pen next to your bed to record down your dreams the next couple of days. See how it relates to your current situation.

