April’s “Pink”Full Moon Brings Balance and Compassion

Pink Full Moon will arrive at 07:08am (UK time or 06.08 GMT) on Tuesday, April 11th 2017

April has been a mix bag of good and bad for most of us. We would have seen one area of our lives speeding up while in another, big challenges would have cropped up. This would have really stirred some big emotions in us while we tried to keep positive and moved forward, making big strides in career, changes in self employment and saying yes to opportunities. Some of us would have being going through the motions with a heavy heart burdened with grief or dreading the prospect of having to solve problems at home. 

Despite all this, we have stayed strong and shifted from the shadow into the light. There is good positive movement forward and the Pink full moon, will bring more balance. Our heart chakras as being re-calibrated and expanded. I feel some of us will have very fleeting feelings of being spaced out. Please seek medical advise if it happens frequently or involves chest pains. Full moon energy is strong and the veil between our worlds becomes just a little thinner during this time, allowing our guides and Ascended Masters to help us ascend to the next level of consciousness.

Why is this month’s full moon called “pink”? Apparently it was named after the pink flowers that blossom in April and symbolises  new beginnings, rebirth and hope. This is a special week as the Hindus are celebrating Hanuman Jayanthi, the birth of Lord Hanuman who was played a significant role in the Ramayana and Hindu mythology. He is a symbol of strength, peace and protection. the commander of the monkey army who was deeply devoted to Lord Ram. He is seen as the protector of the light as he fought against darkness and to save Sita. I really love the collection of stories and information here.  Although I was Roman Catholic, my mother was and still Hindu so I grew with both religions. I have always had affection for Hanuman and associate him with Archangel Michael. A few years ago when I was standing on a train platform walking towards the edge in a daze, the fast train speeding into the station, I saw a figure appear from the other side. I was pushed back and I woke up from my stupor, realising what very nearly happened. A few years later, sitting in my therapy room, meditating and opening myself to Spirit as I normally do before I start seeing clients, I saw this figure again. This time I felt the familiar energy and strength which is when I realised was from my childhood. It also then was revealed to me through messages in my mind, that Archangel Michael and Hanuman were one of the same. It totally made sense to me as I felt the very same feeling and energy when I stood in front of a Hanuman statue in a temple as I did when I called on Archangel Michael. They are both protectors, guardians, leaders, strong, Angels and highly devoted. 

The Hanuman celebration tomorrow is supposed to be extremely significant for the Hindu calendar. If you would like to take advantage of this amazing day then just find a moment anytime on Tuesday to listen to this mantra with your eyes closed and focus on your 3rd eye chakra. 

The full moon coincides with the beginning of Passover for the Jewish community which is about liberation and Easter for the Christian (resurrection of Christ). 

So what does it all mean for us?

  • Balance – Pay attention to your body as it feels like some of us may be ignoring little signals. You can only go forward if your body is also ready and able to carry you. So stop and rest this next two weeks. If could mean taking some time off to just sit in the garden, meditation, yoga, going on walk, extra sleep or treating yourself to a massage – do what makes you feel relaxed. 
  • Kindness – spread light. There is a lot of violence and sadness in the world. We often feel helpless when something horrible happens in the world. The truth is the power is in our hands and it starts with being kind, spreading love and being compassionate. Buy a coffee for a homeless man or woman, speak to someone on the train or the supermarket or drop a friend a message to see if they are okay. It all starts with a smile and feeling supported. Gestures need not be big or magical. Just be kind.
  • Focus on what you want and not what you don’t have. The more we rise above our current situation the easier it is for the universe to deliver us the results that we want in our lives. If you are in difficulty, then visualise a time in the future where things have changed for the better. The more you put your energy into this outcome, the more you start to manifest the shift.
  • Perspective – moon energy often provides us with clarity and the Pink moon will bring you the ability to see things from someone else’s perspective. If you have been struggling with a problem and feel blocked, then you will be able to see the “other side” which will help you find solutions. 
  • Heart – Venus and Mercury are in Retrograde so matters of the heart and family life will be important. You will be having a lot more heart to heart talks with people closest to you.
  • Self Worth – this will be a theme or potentially a challenge for some this next week. If you feel pushed into a corner or forced to face certain aspects of your personality, try to keep a cool head. This is being sent to you for your highest good. The more we hide from things we see as “flaws” the bigger it gets. We have to face our demons, slay it and learn from it. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and stay focused on what is important. Don’t shoot the messenger and remember its a lesson to improve.

Take advantage of the full moon energy and follow my Moon Ritual guide. You can do it on Tues or Wednesday evening.

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