Lunar Eclipse – Mother Nature at her best

Gorgeous gorgeous mother nature at her best! Hot cocoa with my husband in the cold to see the amazing lunar eclipse. I need to get some telephoto lenses for my nikon as my 200mm struggled to get anything significant. Decided to live the moment instead of fiddling with my DSLR. The sky was sparkly around the moon with a thousand million stars shinning bright and clear. I have always been captivated by the stars. So many different constellations on show this morning. If I wasn’t so tired I would have counted and named them. The energy and beauty of the moon was unbelievable. I felt the Spirit elders around and structures being changed. What a thoroughly beautiful and inspiring morning.

I’ve done my crystals and intention list. Now its up to the universe.

Gorgeous shot of the blood moon lunar eclipse with some stars thrown in for good measure

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