March’s New Moon brings opportunities and clarity with speed

New Moon New Mindset

Light affects people in a way that nothing else does. It motivates, renews hope, energises the body and brings in growth. This is particularly important if you have been deprived of light, wallowed in the dark, crippled by fear and starved of hope. Imagine a marathon runner who has trained, strained and endured the distance. I bet the first thing they would reach for after water is a good shower. The layers of sweat, dirt and tiredness is washed away and replaced by a cool freshness and clarity of mind.

As the light envelopes us in the some parts of the world, when spring has sprung, the equinox already in the way and the birds are chirping in the trees that are coming back to form, the dark is over for now.

There is renewed vigour, ideas, plans and decisions to make. Some of us have had things in the “Pending” box for too long causing pain, anxiety, fear and being in a sort of a limbo.

Have you seen some rapid change? Yes my dear friends, there will be plenty coming quickly to sweep us off our feet.

  • Decisions – you will find that an external influence will force you to make decisions. This could be related to work or relationships but either way it will be hard at first but trust it is in your best interest in the long run.
  • Ideas – this is a very productive New Moon and energy wise, the answers are in the air literally. You will find yourself asking questions and finding answers in the corner of your mind. We sometimes go through life being very protective of our ideas and worries. I know people in the spiritual business for example can be rather guarded as they want to be the “best” and “perfect” so that people will think they are successful while grappling with issues in the background. Wanting help is not a weakness and it doesn’t tarnish your reputation. I remember speaking to a customer who is now a friend, about running out of steam where Instagram was concerned. “People post all these amazing photos and I don’t think I have anything of interest” I moaned. Little did I know that she was a social media expert! She gave me some practical ideas. I am so glad I opened up to her as it helped me so much. She didn’t think less of me because I was struggling with something.
  • Mindset – there is a strong message about self care, self worth and feeling good about yourself for the NOW. I had this message yesterday as I was feeling low and I did something nice for myself – I treated myself to a manicure with some lovely two toned nail polish. It made me smile and I felt revitalised. Do more for YOU. We go about life thinking there is a magic wand out there that will make everything alright. The solution is very much in YOU. So if you want to manifest and get things to shift in the right direction, then be in the right frame of mind to open the gates. If you don’t feel good then how will you even accept or sniff out opportunities? I know someone who keeps dismissing good ideas and suggestions because they are miserable. There is no way to make them see what they are missing until they figure it out themselves.  Imagine that negative thoughts, anger, limiting believes and focusing on the bad stuff as an obstruction in a vacuum cleaner. It’s going to as far as it can and then start wheezing and possibly burn out until you unblock it. Imagine your aura and your mind as being clogged and blocked. Clear it by being kind to yourself, meditate and focus on the good.
  • Pain – there will be some form of heartbreak for us. People in our lives who have been suffering will be released and taken quickly. Don’t be alarmed but when it does happen please believe that they were being spared. They will be highly sensible people with a strong sense of independence. I am saying this a huge amount of love and care as I know it can scare people when we approach this subject. Obviously not all of us will be affected but there is comfort in knowing that those who are leaving need not suffer anymore.

So in summary, things will move at a good speed, you will be looking at new ways to an existing problem, asking for help or partnering with someone who can help. I feel trust is going to be something you will have deal with. We must learn from the past but it shouldn’t dictate our decisions and believes now.

There will be people from the past re-entering our lives now and forgiveness will be another theme for us. You can only heal a broken heart, life or relationship with forgiveness so you can both move on.

Decisions or situations which has been hanging over you, being taken out of your hands so yes it will be difficult to deal with but it’s for the best. There is a bit of a clearance happening energetically so all these things will come unstuck. Good or bad, it will make way for a change, giving birth to new ideas or even an opportunity to do something different. There will be some good out of this so please trust in the universe.

Prepare for the New Moon which will be at 3.57am UK time on Tuesday night. You can do the following Moon Ritual to take advantage of the energy :

  1. Write down something from your past -that you want to let go of  (e.g heartbreak, not trusting people, anger, grief, feeling cheated, not feeling good enough etc) on a piece of paper.
  2. Write down on another piece of paper – how you want to feel (happy, trusting, calm, strong etc) and on the same paper, write down one thing you really want to manifest NOW ( a new partner, 20 new clients, find a house you like, children, a new job etc) You can be as specific or as vague as you want. Don’t put in things which have variables to it such as lottery wins. 
  3. Get some good quality sage or sage incense/ or Nag Champa, sandalwood or Frankincense and clear the energy in the house before Monday night. For full details on the Moon Ritual you can follow my FREE guide here.
  4. On Monday evening/night, release your first list to the universe by taking it outside and burning it. Say to the Moon (doesn’t matter if it is not visible, she is still there) “I release, I let go…….(what you wrote)” 
  5. You can burn the second list saying “I want to manifest, I would like to have this…… in my life” or alternatively, date it and leave it on your altar or somewhere safe. I do what I am drawn to every other month. 

New Moon blessings to you and your family.
