My mother was on Whatsapp today to give me instructions on how to celebrate Saraswati puja today. Devi Saraswathi is the Hindu Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. Hindu children are generally encouraged (okay, told to!) pray to Ganesha for success, Lakshmi for wealth and most importantly, Saraswathi for help in education. They say that chanting the mantras to the mother of Vedas and of knowledge, music, arts, writing and creativity will remove all the obstacles to success.
Saraswati Puja is an important festival, especially in South India and observed on the last day of the Navratri celebrations. I was reminded today when I was looking for a nice picture of this lovely mother and noticed the peacock. As you may already know, I am also an artist as well as a Medium. One of my most famous and best selling piece is the “Petulant Peacock” I thought it was lovely to have painted the peacock which is also associated with this gorgeous deity.
My mother ordered me to do a few things tonight as she thought it would inspire me to paint more inspired paintings and also to help me with my writing. I never question guided words from my mother. I respected her thoughts and value the fact that she is always thinking of me and that she is still with us. At 78, she still thinking about her children, charity work and helping others despite having three big health issues, a triple bypass, a stroke and 3 heart attacks.
So I got everything ready for dinner and came upstairs to chant the Sanskrit mantra that my mother passed on to me, lit some beautiful sandalwood incense, put some fresh flowers on my altar and left some of my paint brushes under mother’s picture for her blessing. I have to say the chanting really took me to a trance like state and I saw flashes of my father next to me and some lovely messages. I saw a vision of a painting I will do in the near future as well.
I am so relaxed at the moment and looking to have a nice long sleep tonight. Tomorrow I will be off to London to see Amma at Alexandra Palace. I cannot explain how amazing it is to be hugged by this lovely woman. Amazing energy and so much love for everyone who comes to meet her.
I need this healing energy and also lots of calm. Busy week ahead with lots of appointments and also preparing to run my workshop – the Goddess Retreat on Saturday. I cannot wait for Saturday as its so exciting always to meet new people and share my love and knowledge with people. It coincides with the full moon on the 16th so we will be having a little full moon ceremony to super charge our affirmations during the day.