Cord Cutting & Full Moon Workshop

Saturday, Feb 271pm (UK) 9pm (Malaysia) 8am (NY)

Cost: £10 per person

Who wants to learn how about Cord Cutting? We unconsciously hold on to pain, grief, trauma, anger to fear from childhood, past lives to even relationships. Sometimes when we feel “wronged” we can also hold on to “injustice” and “anger” which can manifest in negative patterns, thought processes and subconscious actions that complicate our lives and prevent us from manifesting our hearts’ desire.

I am thinking of a 2 hour-ish session where I will take us through an overview of the patterns, recognising them, and then what is cord-cutting. I will take everyone into a beautiful meditation and call on Archangel Michael to help with the cord-cutting.

Next, we will write down our intentions after a quick guide then I will go through the ritual for the Full Moon (which occurs on the 27th).

I have specifically designed this workshop on February’s Full Moon as it is a good time to release all that no longer serves you!

This event will be delivered via Zoom. Talk/ discussions followed by a healing meditation calling on Archangel Michael to help us heal and cut the cords.

You will need:

A Zoom account (download here), pen & paper, Californian white sage (or frankincense, sambrani or incense), fireproof bowl, lighter and earphones.

Please ensure you will not be disturbed.

Please click on Friends & Family to avoid extra charges!