May’s Super “New Moon” Message: We Are Only Human Afterall

I suppose we are all guilty of being hard on ourselves at some point in our life. Some of us are quick to overlook certain aspects of other people’s personality or habits but harsh on our own ability or weaknesses. There are times where this becomes overpowering and soul destroying. There are so many of us who go to extremes because we don’t feel “good enough” or unable to cope because we put such high expectations on ourselves. Why is the reason for this? Society, peer pressure or upbringing? I am sure it differs from one person to the other. 

I was reminded of this, recently when I jumped into a taxi on my way to the monthly development circle. The taxi man was a young Asian guy who had Rag & Bone man’s song, Human playing in the background. I don’t always chat to taxi drivers unless they start the conversation, mainly because I am usually wrapped up in my own thoughts. I have always used time in taxis as thinking time. This stems from my time as a journalist in Malaysia where I would formulate my story in my head and go through my notes on my way to the newsdesk. 

However this time, I really had the urge to speak to this young man. It was as if someone wanted me to speak to him. So I said “Is that Rag ‘n’ Bone man? Knowing fully well it was. He said “Oh who is that….you mean the song? Yes, I said and we got into a conversation about the meaning of the song.

It became clear to me during our short conversation that this was a message he needed to hear  – that he shouldn’t be too hard on himself and he can’t please everyone. There was a vulnerability about him and who knows, this pressure on his shoulders could have led to emotional strain. We were laughing as the taxi pulled up at the venue and said our goodbyes. He was smiling and grinning from ear to ear, and so was I. 

I shared this moment with the circle members and it was funny how the theme repeated itself throughout the meditation and inspired speaking. 

As one of them said during inspired speaking …tick tock….. you can move forward not back in time. So don’t feel guilty for what has been but move into the future because there is no going back.

Today as I said down to write this guidance, the song that came up on my playlist was Human. I felt that my guide, an old Indian sage popped it into my head so I could write about this today.

The song came out of a conversation Rory Graham (Rag ‘n’ Bones man) had with a friend. Graham explained to NME in a video interview: “You know, people generally moan quite a lot about stuff that isn’t very important and it was like, if you took a little step back from yourself and stopped being selfish and just look around at what’s going on in other people’s lives and you soon realise that it’s just inconsequential; your problem isn’t really a problem anymore.”

So my dear friends, be clear about what you actually want in life, what is important and prioritise. We can sometimes go through life being upset by small things but overlook the things you ought to be worried about. Use this time to filter through your worries and reassess what you want so your next steps will be clear. Remember, we are “only human after all” with flaws and totally imperfect. That is the beauty of our existence. Every day we live is a learning lesson and a step forward. 

So what is a supermoon? According to Wiki – a supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. From a spiritual and energy context, it is a time when energy is magnified. Some bring transformation that can be life changing and others, brings things up to the surface which may be difficult to deal with.

We are going to feel a little sandwiched and caught in the middle emotionally and energy. There is a good reason for it as there is another super “new moon” in June. So there will be things popping up this week, good or bad which will be released or completed in June’s super “new moon” on the 24th.

We will get clarity on June 9th’s full “Micro” moon and it intensity will ease off. How do you survive the energy until then? 

You will be prodded and buttons will be pushed. This is a very transformational time so even if things are a little up in the air, trust that it is happening for your highest good. Pay attention to what is happening around you and what is the universe trying to say to you?

Our soul knows what is ahead and will guide us to where we need to be. Each and everyone of us have a blueprint of our very existence which is accessed by our soul and our creators. Every step we take makes one part of the puzzle fall into place. It is frustrating but the mysteries of life and death is determined by the laws of Spirit, which we don’t full understand.

Just to summarise, enjoy the here and now, look beyond the pettiness of life because there is a bigger picture for us to enjoy. Stand firm in your convictions, don’t feel you need to over stretch yourself to please people and look after yourself. When you are drained and depleted, there is no way you can help anyone. 

Most importantly say yes to the right things – opportunities, ideas and projects. 

Follow my Moon Ritual tonight to take advantage of this amazing energy and cleanse your aura and home.